Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 899: 899: preserved eggs

At the moment the door was pushed open, countless dust fell and fluttered presumptuously in the sun.

The room was covered with dust, rats, cockroaches, and spiders.

It has become a gathering place for many small creatures, but everything in the room is still neat.

Ning Huanxin glanced at everything in the room, and finally, her gaze froze in the innermost corner of the room, and in that corner, there was a small wooden horse.

The little wooden horse is not big, it is a kind of toy for children of a few years old, and can be swayed back and forth on it.

Now, the little wooden horse was shaking gently.

On top of the little wooden horse, sat a little boy who looked only five or six years old with a particularly pale face.

He is not a man, but a ghost.

It seemed that he felt Ning Huanxin's gaze. The little boy was still expressionless, glanced at Ning Huanxin, and then kept shaking the wooden horse under him, which was his most beloved toy.

"Hello there."

At this time, Ning Huanxin walked gently in front of the little boy, waved at him, smiled and said hello.

The sound of the wooden horse shaking in the room disappeared instantly.

The little boy raised his dark and excessive eyes and looked at Ning Huanxin blankly.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he didn't say it.

Maybe, he hasn't spoken for too long.

Here, no one can see him, no one chats with him, and he can't find anyone who can talk to himself.

He can't get out of this room, can't find his parents, so he can only wander here alone, and the only thing with him is the little wooden horse.

That is his only partner.

"Don't you know what to say? Don't worry, think slowly, your little Trojan horse is very beautiful and looks very funny."

Ning Huanxin smiled and praised the boy.

Perhaps her smile was beautiful, and the boy's eyes flashed.

Finally, he moved his lips and yelled softly: "Sister...Sister."


Ning Huanxin responded, still smiling at the boy: "My name is Ning Huanxin. You can call me Sister Ning or Sister Huanxin, what is your name?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the little boy blinked and opened his mouth, still speaking with some effort: "Skin...preserved egg."

His name is preserved egg?

It should be a nickname!

Ning Huanxin looked at the little boy in front of him, who was five or six years old. Children at this age should still be in kindergarten, so it is not surprising that they have been called by their names.

"So you're a preserved egg! Why are you at home alone?"

Ning Huanxin took out a tissue and wiped the dust off the chair, then sat on it gently, looking at the preserved egg with gentle expression.

Preserved Egg lowered her eyes when she heard Ning Huanxin's words, as if very sad.

"Dad, father and mother..."

Slowly, his speaking speed gradually became fluent.

"Dad and mom are gone."

The preserved egg raised his head and looked at Ning Huanxin: "I, I can't get out, others... others can't see me."

No one could see him, he cried and yelled, no one paid any attention.

Slowly, he stopped talking.


The preserved egg suddenly looked nervously at Ning Huanxin: "Did I do something wrong?"

Because he did something wrong, his parents no longer wanted him, so the people in the village ignored him.

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