Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 858: 858: Gathering in Yanjing (1)

Yanjing Railway Station.

A petite figure briskly jumped off the train and walked towards the exit step by step with the flow of people.

"Yen Jing is really a lot of people, so cold."

The girl shrank her neck subconsciously as she walked.

After walking for about ten minutes, I finally saw the exit of the station. It was not easy.

The girl was holding the ticket with a bitter face, followed by the flow of people, and there was a large group of people outside the exit. She concentrated her mind and used her mental power to sense it, and then she walked in one direction and walked until After stepping out of the crowds and coming to the parking lot of the square in front of the station, the girl saw a tall and handsome man at a glance.

At this moment, the man leaned against a black Volkswagen car and smiled faintly at himself.

"Senior Brother!"

The girl finally saw her relatives, and immediately rushed over with a smile.

"A Nuan."

The man opened his arms, hugged the girl who rushed up, and habitually raised his hand to touch the top of her head.

"You have grown a lot taller again. Isn't it very hard to travel down the mountain alone during these days?"

Hearing what his third senior brother said, Yang A'nuan immediately curled his lips, and said with a bitter face: "It's more than hard work! I feel like I'm going to be exhausted, but fortunately I'm finally liberated! Master Wandering back, let me come. Yanjing is looking for you, looking for his own opportunities by the way, and of course also participating in that newcomer contest by the way."

Speaking of the competition, Yang A Nuan immediately lost his energy.

In the past, she always had her ultimate dream of becoming the world's number one female Taoist priest, but she experienced a lot of things going down the mountain alone, and she has grown a lot. At the same time, she knows that her talent is really not that high, let alone becoming the number one. Even the word "excellent" has nothing to do with her.

Seeing Yang A'nuan's look of sluggishness, the man on the side couldn't help but smile.

"A Nuan, brother believes in you, let's go, I will take you out for dinner, let you meet my girlfriend by the way."


Hearing what the man said, Yang A'nuan's eyes lit up: "Senior Brother, do you have a girlfriend too?"

Following Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother and the others all descended to practice in the world, only Yang A Nuan and his master Bai Yunzi were left in the Baiyun Temple.

Later, she also heard that each of the seniors had their own lives, and that the seniors had become families and businesses.

Unexpectedly, so soon, the three brothers have girlfriends?

"Brother San, aren't you a teacher in a university in Yanjing? Is your girlfriend also a teacher?"

Yang A Nuan got into the car and automatically filled the image of a gentle and virtuous female teacher with glasses.

"She is not a teacher, but my student named Xie Yudie."

The man on the side whispered softly.

That's right, Yang A'nuan's third brother is Xie Yudie's boyfriend Zhou Han.


Hearing Zhou Han's words, Yang A Nuan couldn't help but look strange: "Senior Brother, you are so fashionable! You actually play teacher-student love!"

"Our school is a university, and adults can fall in love freely."

Zhou Han explained to the side.

"Okay, don't explain, I'm not a kid anymore. I grow up and understand everything."

Yang A Nuan sat upright by the side, deliberately putting on a serious and serious expression.

Before coming to Yanjing this time, Master had urged her to perform well in this newcomer contest. In addition, Master also said...Yenjing was her chance.

What is that illusory opportunity?

Yang A Nuan still has vague expectations in his heart——

Yenching, here I am.

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