Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 855: 855: The old neighbor is back


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing nodded, leaning on the seat and stopped speaking.

It didn't take long for the car to get downstairs to the apartment. Watching Ning Huanxin bring Mo Yu and Mo Xiao upstairs together, Cui Can turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lixing.

"Strictly, you don't seem to notice today, right?"

"Back to the old house."

Jiang Lixing leaned on the seat, closed his eyes, and said softly.


Cui Can nodded.

In the past, Jiang Lixing was so nervous and sleepless, he wanted to spend more time with Ning Huanxin. Why is it so strange today?

Cui Can looked confused, but no matter how much he guessed, he would never guess Jiang Lixing's true thoughts...

In the apartment.

Ning Huanxin took Mo Yu and Mo laughed upstairs. In the elevator, Ning Huanxin couldn't help but said lightly: "You will go to my place first, I will give you the 1304 room card, and you will live there. Well, when someone asks about your identities, Mo Yu, you just say you are my senior. Of course, if you don’t go out on weekdays, you don’t need to waste spiritual energy to consolidate your body. There are only a few of us on the 13th floor, I... "

Ning Huan hadn't finished speaking, the elevator had reached the 13th floor, and as soon as the elevator door opened, the faces of Mo Yu and Mo Xiao immediately became super ugly.

They sensed the breath in this floor.

There was a very powerful aura, that aura made Mo Xiao feel super uncomfortable, that was... the aura of a Taoist priest, and the cultivation base of this Taoist priest is definitely not weak!

This breath can even be described as terrifying.

At this time, Ning Huanxin also discovered that she sensed the familiar breath that had been missing for a long time.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it's just the old neighbor who is back."

Ning Huanxin's eyes looked at 1302 subconsciously. At this moment, the door of 1302 also slowly opened, and a familiar tall and slender figure walked out of it.

"Mr. Li, are you back?"

Ning Huanxin smiled at Li Chongzhen slightly.

Li Chongzhen is wearing a high-necked gray fine fleece sweater and black slacks on the lower body. He is still very handsome and fashionable, but now he looks a lot more haggard than before.

Hearing Ning Huanxin saying hello to him, Li Chongzhen nodded, then his eyes fell on Mo Yu and Mo Xiao behind Ning Huanxin.

Female ghost.

Li Chongzhen has a profound cultivation level, and it is natural to see at a glance that Mo Xiao is a female ghost, and also a contracted female ghost.

And Mo Yu...

Li Chongzhen frowned, the aura on this young man's body was strange, like a ghost but not a ghost, like a person but not a human.

"I didn't expect to see you for a while, you...you have changed a lot, and your cultivation level has improved a lot."

Li Chongzhen glanced at Ning Huanxin, his tone was weak, he could not tell whether it was an enemy or a friend.

"By the way, these two are..."

"This is my brother and his wife who came down the mountain to see me."

Ning Huanxin smiled slightly, without any expression of guilty conscience on his face.


Li Chongzhen lowered his eyes: "You are also going to participate in the Xuanmen rookie contest at the end of the year? Good luck to you, besides... I won't release water to you."

With that said, Li Chongzhen turned around and went back to his room.

What does it mean to release water?

Ning Huanxin's eyes suddenly flashed--

Could it be that Li Chongzhen turned out to be the judge of the Xuanmen Newcomer Contest?

Forget it, anyway, I don't plan to participate in that inexplicable competition.

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