Ning Huanxin returned to her bedroom at this time and was leaving tomorrow, and she was a little bit reluctant.

After all, the golden kennel and silver kennel are not as good as their own dog kennel, and their own home is always the most comfortable.

However, Yanjing must go back, too many mysteries can only be solved in Yanjing.

Whether it's the Gu family's affairs, the mysterious puppet master, or the Yi master's affairs.

All in all, Ning Huanxin will slowly investigate. She believes that step by step, she will always get closer and closer to the truth.

After taking a shower and changing into pajamas, Ning Huan lay quietly on the bed. Turning her head to look at the poster on the opposite wall, she couldn't help but smile.

"Go to bed, Axing, good night."

With that, Ning Huanxin turned off the desk lamp in the bedroom. When the room fell into darkness, Ning Huanxin slowly closed her eyes.

She didn't know what was waiting for her after going back this time.

She didn't feel scared, but looked forward to it.


After breakfast the next morning, Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing and others went to the airport.

The driver of the Ning family drove the four people away. Ning Huawei and Gu Qianliang did not arrive at the airport, but sent them to the door of the villa.

Even if it is a thousand miles away, it must be a farewell.

Therefore, the two of them just stood at the door of the house, watching their daughter's car gradually go away.

"Wife, I will come back next time I am happy, maybe it will be our family reunion day."

Ning Huawei suddenly embraced Gu Qianliang and whispered with a smile on his face.

He has a very strong hunch that next time, the return of Huanxin will definitely bring them back even greater surprises.


Gu Qianliang leaned against Ning Huawei's arms and nodded--

She also hopes that day will come...

Leaving the Qingling villa area, Ning Huanxin sat in the co-pilot, looking at the familiar and gradually flashing scenery outside the car window with complicated eyes, and her eyes were also extremely complicated.

Jiang Lixing sat in the back and remained silent. He knew that at this time, there was nothing to say, just leave a little room for Ning Huanxin.

"Miss, a good journey."

At the airport, the driver of the Ning family respectfully bid farewell to a few others.

"Let's go back to Yanjing."

Ning Huanxin got out of the car and slammed Jiang Lixing's hand.


Jiang Lixing put on his sunglasses and smiled at Ning Huanxin, while Mo Yu and Mo Xiao followed the two people. They have rarely gone down the mountain in recent years, because they don’t have ID documents and they are afraid of being discovered by other Xuanmen. So they rely on spells wherever they go, and it is the first time to fly by plane.

"It turns out that the speed of the plane is not much slower than the spell."

Sitting against the window, looking at the misty sea of ​​clouds outside, Mo Xiao suddenly looked at Mo Yu and whispered softly.

"Mo Yu, this is already above the nine heavens, why, I can't feel the breath of an immortal?"


Hearing Mo Xiao's words, Mo Yu shook his head and patted her head a little bit dozingly: "Legend has it that immortals live in the nine heavens. There is a fairyland with boundless spiritual energy, but the so-called fairyland is not in the world of heaven. According to the records of our Wu clan, it is said that the Nine Layers of Wonderland is another time and space above the mortal world. In is not in the same time and space as us. In ancient times, there is a saying that says one day in the sky, one year in the mortal world. It is enough to prove that these are two different time and space, and even the flow rate of time is different."

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