Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 846: 846: Contract Ghost Servant (3)

The appearance of Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing made Mo Xiao see the hope of life, so...she has to fight for everything!

Mo Xiao persisted in silence, running his few spiritual powers to deal with the power of the sun. Fortunately, the power of the sun didn't have any offensive power, but could slowly merge with her spiritual power.

As time passed, there were only a few people breathing in the room.

Everyone stared at Mo Xiao intently. Until an hour later, the spiritual power of Mo Xiao's body suddenly became violent, and her spirit became gradually enriched from the weak and translucent state just now.

After a few more minutes, Mo Xiao slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were so harsh!

"the host."

Mo Xiao stood up slowly at this time, Ning Huanxin could feel that the aura in her body was really richer.

It's amazing!

Seeing such a big change in Mo Xiao, Ning Huanxin found it magical, and now she only needs to use her spiritual power to focus on sensing, she can sense Mo Xiao's state of mind, and she can really communicate with her!

"A laugh, what do you think?"

At this moment, Mo Yu excitedly took Mo Xiao's hand.

"I'm fine, I feel... I seem to be stronger than before!"

Mo Xiao looked at Mo Yu with a smile, and then at Ning Huanxin.

"Master, your blood..."


At this time, Jiang Lixing on the side coughed and looked at Mo Yu and Mo Xiao: "Since Mo Xiao is now Huanxin's ghost servant, then she will leave here with Huanxin, Mo Yu, how about you?"

"Of course I am with Ah Xiao."

With that said, Mo Yu glanced at Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin: "Miss Ning, although my cultivation level is not high, I am willing to serve you!"

"Uh, good, good."

Ning Huanxin was a little embarrassed. In fact, she felt that she was inferior to Mo Yu, but now she definitely can't show it.


Keep it mysterious!


"Then you can clean up, Ahang and I will go round the top of the mountain, and we will go down the mountain together in a while. You can go to my house for a few days. There are many guest rooms in my house."

Ning Huanxin whispered to the two people, and immediately took Jiang Lixing away from the wooden house.

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath until he walked out of Mo Yu's courtyard, and looked at Jiang Lixing with nervousness and excitement.

"Axing, I will have my own ghost servant in the future? Just like Gu Xiao?"

Ning Huanxin smiled: "He can let Sister Qiuhan visit me, and I can also ask Mo Xiao to help me see him, right?"

"If you think about Gu Xiao so much, I'm going to be jealous."

Jiang Lixing pretended to be angry and whispered.

"do not."

Ning Huanxin immediately smiled and took Jiang Lixing's arm: "Don't you think we can see it every day? But I still can't see Gu Xiao."

Jiang Lixing:...

Actually even mention it!

It seems that I have to put my brother-in-law on the key blacklist.

Must focus on isolation, focus on dikes.

Seeing Jiang Lixing's expression a little complicated, Ning Huanxin immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth.

In fact, she didn't mean it, but...

The feeling between her and Gu Xiao, the anxious feeling of wanting to see the invisible, really made people worry.

Moreover, Ning Huanxin felt very strongly that as long as she could see Gu Xiao, there were still many mysteries in her life experience that could be revealed one by one.

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