Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 842: 842: Mo Yu's Story (2)

Although there are many ghosts with spiritual power in this world, each ghost has its own unique way of cultivation. Some ghosts absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cultivate slowly. Such ghosts are just ordinary ghost cultivation, with weak spiritual power and no hostility.

And because some ghosts received great grievances or had endless resentment when they died, they were inherently stronger than other ghosts, and they continued to harm people and **** the souls of others, and their spiritual power would become stronger and stronger.

This kind of ghost is called a ghost.

And Lin Qiuhan and Mo Xiao are both ghosts.

But obviously, Lin Qiuhan’s cultivation base is much higher than that of Mo Xiao, and Lin Qiuhan has now signed a contract with the Gu family. She and Gu Xiao are living together. Even if she doesn’t harm others, Gu Xiao can share her own. Give her the cultivation base and spiritual power.

But Mo Xiao is different.

If she doesn't harm people, she will lose her soul.


Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Mo Yu on the side looked complicated: "It seems that Mr. Jiang already knows."

"what do you know?"

Ning Huanxin on the side still has a little knowledge. It's really not good for you to play dumb riddles like this. Isn't it half a bucket of water to bully me?

"Is such that……"

Jiang Lixing immediately leaned against Ning Huanxin's ear to explain to her.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's explanation, Ning Huanxin knew that ghosts still had so much attention.

It seems that there are too many things that I don't know.

Fortunately, Jiang Lixing knew everything.

Sure enough, my man is as strong as an encyclopedia.


"Mr. Jiang, Ms. Ning, I feel that you are extraordinary people. I wonder if you have any way to save Axiao?"

At this time, Mo Yu suddenly asked with a solemn expression.

Hearing Mo Yu's words, Jiang Lixing frowned slightly and suddenly said, "Why didn't you sign the contract?"

If Li Gui signed a contract with a human monk, then even if she no longer smoked human souls, she would not be dissipated because of exhaustion of spiritual power.

Hearing Jiang Lixing's question, Mo Yu lowered his eyes and sighed.

"This matter is a long story, Miss Ning, you mentioned my injury just now, do you know what I was injured for? How did I recover?"

"I do not know."

Ning Huanxin shook her head. She really didn't know this, because A-Lian and Yu Ziyin were together during that time. When she returned to the village again, Mo Yu's injury had miraculously healed.

Could it be that what's inside?

"In fact, Mo Yu was injured in order to save me."

At this time, Mo Xiao had walked out of the kitchen with a ceramic kettle in his hand.

She smiled and poured a glass of water for Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing. Then she sat beside Mo Yu and said softly: "Back then, I was murdered by a treacherous man and died because of grievances. Entering the underworld. At that time, I lost my mind and began to constantly devour the spirit of living people, just to become stronger, to find the person who harmed me to get revenge. Just like that, I became a ghost."

Speaking of things back then, Mo Xiao's expression is still very complicated.

"Later, I finally increased my mana, and I can take revenge! But after killing so many people, I finally alarmed a Taoist chief in a nearby temple."

Mo Xiao sighed while reminiscing about the past, while Mo Yu on the side looked at her tenderly and caringly, for fear that she would cause confusion because of her excitement.

"Later, I was chased and killed by that old way, and finally I ran to the foot of Mo Mountain. It was Mo Yu who rescued me."

Speaking of this, Mo Xiao suddenly turned his head and smiled gently at Mo Yu.

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