The meal at Xie’s family was very happy. The Xie family’s first impression of Jiang Lixing was also very good. When the two of them left, Xie Guang and his wife took Xie Yudie to the gate until they looked at Jiang. The strict car disappeared from his field of vision, and this talent slowly turned back.


"Axing, what do you think of Uncle Xie and them?"

Sitting in the car, Ning Huanxin asked while looking at the night view of Yanjing.

"The people are very nice. Very kind and warm."

Jiang Lixing told the truth, the Xie family are really hospitable and nice.

"Actually, my parents are also very good people. My dad and Uncle Xie are iron buddies, and their hobbies are similar. I think you and Uncle Xie have a very good conversation. I believe that my dad will also have a common language. "

Ning Huanxin whispered to the side, but she frowned before she finished her words.

"Ahang, do you feel it?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly turned to look at the back of the car.

When the car was driving at high speed, Ning Huanxin just felt a strong fluctuation, which was transmitted from the opposite street, but the fluctuation was fleeting. It should be someone sitting in the car on the opposite street. When the two cars were passing by, Ning Huanxin caught the breath of that moment.

very powerful.

"I feel it now."

Jiang Lixing suddenly smiled at this time: "Yenjing has always been Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons, and it is almost the end of the year. It seems that there is a Xuanmen competition in Yanjing this year. Therefore, the monks who come to Yanjing in the future may come more!"

"So this is ah!"

Hearing what Jiang Lixing said, Ning Huan didn't doubt that he had him.

She suddenly thought of the girl named Mao Qiqi she met last time. She seemed to have told herself that she would come to Yanjing at the end of the year.

I don't know if I can meet her so that I can return the bracelet to her.

Seeing that Ning Huanxin didn't ask anything more, Jiang Lixing was relieved in his heart.

In fact, it was Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship that alarmed the monks from all directions. They poured into Yanjing to find out.

Jiang Lixing had already thought of this.

However, those people will find nothing after all.

They would never have thought that when they arrived in Yanjing, Ning Huanxin, who had practiced Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship, had already flown out of Yanjing with Jiang Lixing and went to Yancheng.

There are mountains and rivers in Yancheng, which has good aura and is more suitable for Ning Huanxin's cultivation.

Jiang Lixing carefully calculated every step.

He would never let Ning Huanxin lose the slightest bit, and...Ning Huan had a special heart and blood and a powerful spiritual sense.

She could easily feel the breath of others, but those people could never capture the true breath of Ning Huanxin. Even if Ning Huanxin walked past them, those people would not find that she had practiced Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship.


Before long, Jiang Lixing drove downstairs to Ning Huanxin's apartment.

"Haixin, rest early tonight and sleep well. I will pick you up to the airport tomorrow."

Downstairs in the apartment, Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin bid farewell softly. Originally, he planned to send Ning Huanxin personally as before, but as soon as he got downstairs, Jiang Lixing felt a familiar breath.

It's Lin Qiuhan, she's here.

"You also have a good rest, see you tomorrow!"

There is a word called Guixin is like an arrow. When I think of tomorrow I can go home, Ning Huanxin is still very excited to see his long-lost parents.

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