Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 814: 814: The Black Gift Box Reappears (1)


This spell is a bit strange.

Ning Huanxin thought this spell was strange in her heart, but she couldn't find out what was strange.

"Boom boom boom"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Ning Huanxin's apartment.

Ning Huan was taken aback.

She is still in her pajamas, with messy hair, who is it so early?

Walked to the door and glanced at the cat's eye, the door was empty.


However, there was clearly a knock on the door!

Ning Huan's heart suddenly shuddered. She opened the door abruptly. As expected, there was a black gift box outside the door, tied with a beautiful bow with a red ribbon.

This gift box...is exactly the same as the gift box with the wedding doll last time.

It's that person.

Behind Li Luoshi, another puppet master.

Unexpectedly, that person appeared again so soon.

Ning Huanxin took the gift box to her room and opened it carefully. What would be inside the gift box this time?

Another provocation?

Another killing, or...

When the weird black gift box was completely opened by Ning Huanxin, and the contents were displayed in front of Ning Huanxin's eyes, her eyes widened.

"A gift for you."

The five printed scarlet letters caught Ning Huanxin's eyes.

And below this line is a screenshot downloaded and printed from the Internet, the news that was framed by Ning Huanxin by Wen Yuqi published by Jiang Lixing yesterday.

All the news screenshots in it are about Wen Yuqi.

What does it mean?

Is this newsprint the gift that person gave himself?

No, it's impossible.

Ning Huan's eyes condensed slightly, and his mind turned sharply.

What do these news messages represent? A gift from him?

The gift of the puppeteer, is it...

Ning Huanxin stood up suddenly, her eyes flashed, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Cui Can's number.

"Brother Cui, are you up?"


Cui Can, on the other end of the phone, said in a lazy voice: "I just got up, is there anything wrong with you?"

Cui Can is a little curious, shouldn't Ning Huanxin call Jiang Lixing if something happens?

"Brother Cui, I heard from A Xing that you are the father's person, and you must be more familiar with Yuhaishan's situation than A Xing. Can you help me find out about the current situation of the Wen family?"

"Wen's family?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Cui Can on the other end of the phone seemed to be refreshed in an instant.

"Haixin, do you want to deal with Wen Jia?"

Ning Huanxin was from the Xuan Clan, and Cui Can had naturally heard about this a long time ago.

"It's not me, but...I suspect that someone has taken action against the Wen family, so I want you to ask for me. If I and Axing ask, I'm afraid they will be suspected!"

That incident just happened yesterday, and if Wen Yuqi had an accident immediately, then Ning Huanxin would definitely be the number one suspect target.

Therefore, she felt that it would be safer to let Cui Can come forward and inquire first. What if she thinks too much?

"Okay, I see. I will get back to you as soon as possible."

Cui Can immediately understood what Ning Huanxin meant, and soon he hung up the phone.

Ning Huanxin was sitting in the apartment at this time, looking at the black gift box——

Is this gift really a gift?

Is it a trap?

If something happened to Wen Jia or Wen Yuqi at this time, they would definitely be counted on Ning Huanxin.

This is really a disaster.

"I thank you."

Ning Huan stared at the gift box coldly.

"One day, I can find out who you are."

Ning Huan thought of the fortune-telling that S had given him last time in that mysterious cafe. He said that there was a poisonous snake hidden beside him.

Is that venomous snake talking about this mysterious man?

Who is he?

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