Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1638: 1638: Fanwai: The Past of the Second Young Master (1)

Time flies like an arrow, time flies like a shuttle.

In a blink of an eye, Ning Huanxin had already graduated from university. After graduating from Yanbei University, Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing left the Gu family together. The two planned to travel around and see the world.

At this time, Yanjing was also surging. Just talk about the Yuhai Mountain, some of the manors on the mountain have changed their owners, and the Jiang family on the top of the mountain is already in the hands of Jiang Ershao at this time, and it is more solid.

Since Jiang Yanran gave up the fight, she has gradually faded out of Yanjing's vanity fair, and devoted herself to becoming a lady who does not care about the world.

Now that the Jiang family is getting better and better, she can safely let the Jiang family support herself.

There have always been many people pursuing Jiang Yanran in Yanjing City, but Jiang Yanran is very picky about her significant other.

These years have passed, and when she knows that she and Cui Can are impossible, she just wants to find someone who looks pleasing to her eyes and who can treat herself sincerely.

However, how many people in this world know their faces and do not know their hearts?

It really takes too much time to really get to know and understand a person.


Yuhaishan, Jiang family.

When Uncle Hai walked into the study with a stack of papers, he saw Jiang Lixing taking a nap. He didn't want to disturb him. He just wanted to put down his things and leave quietly. Who knows, Jiang Lixuan suddenly opened his eyes slowly at this time. , Took a look at Uncle Hai.

"Second Master, this is today's document."

Uncle Hai whispered in a low voice, and while speaking, he placed the documents on Jiang Lixuan's desk.

"Well, I got it."

Jiang Lixuan replied, his voice a little dark.

"Second Young Master, are you okay?"

Hearing Jiang Lixuan’s voice, Uncle Hai on the side couldn’t help but glance at him. Uncle Hai is a martial arts expert and is also very sensitive to human aura. He feels that the second young master at this moment, the aura all over his body is not right, and the voice Not the same as in the past.

"I'm fine."

At this time, Jiang Lixuan suddenly raised his head and glanced at Uncle Hai. This look was particularly sharp.

Uncle Hai fought a cold war, then lowered his head and left in a hurry.

Out of the study, Uncle Hai just felt like a cold sweat broke out all over his body——

Why, the second young master's eyes can be so scary?

That kind of look is not something ordinary people can have.

It’s no wonder that the old man took a fancy to the second young man, and pushed him out of the boat, but the old man’s eyesight was accurate——

Ginger is still hot!


In the study.

After Uncle Hai left, Jiang Lixuan never went to read those documents, but looked at his desk coldly, and he dreamed of his past life again.

Yes, he called those memories past lives.

In the words of this world, he should be regarded as a person who has been reincarnated.

However, after he died, he had not been to the underworld, but went back to this world directly. Using popular words, it can also be called rebirth through.

Before being reborn in this world, Jiang Lixuan had a name called Li Xuan.

In their world, in that era, he practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his family was a hereditary aristocrat. At the age of sixteen, he was valued by his majesty as a guard with a sword in the imperial city!

Li Xuan's martial arts is high and strong, and the Li family has been loyal for generations, so he soon gained the trust of his majesty, from an ordinary guard with a knife to a member of the royal secret guard.

In the second year, he was exceptionally promoted to the deputy commander of the Royal Secret Guard because of his merits in destroying the rebellion.

That is, in that year, he was seriously injured because of fighting with the rebellious party, and he was recuperating in a remote courtyard in the imperial city. At that time, his majesty was pitying and appointed two maids to serve his diet and daily life.

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