Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1621: 1621: Past life: Ten thousand years at a glance (5)

"Old lady, your mouth is so sweet."

When Jiang Ziwen heard what the stall owner said, he immediately answered with a smile, and then he turned his head and looked at the fairy Qingxin behind him and said softly: "Xian... Qingxin, see if you like it!"


Fairy Qingxin was stunned for a moment, but just casually glanced at the booth, and then replied with some carelessness: "Are you really going to ask me? Actually I don't know how to watch it."

She rarely wears jewelry on weekdays, and what she wears now looks very beautiful. In fact, they are all the magic weapon of the fairy family bestowed on her by the emperor.

Seeing that Fairy Qingxin was unmoved, Jiang Ziwen turned his head, took a few glances for himself, and finally chose a bracelet.

Since she doesn't choose, then he will make the decision.

"This is good, I want this."

The bracelet was carved with exquisite and beautiful lines like flowing clouds. Although it was not a valuable gift, he didn't know why. He glanced at it and liked it.

When Jiang Ziwen bought the things, before he had time to collect them, Fairy Qingxin behind him had already walked over and took his arm: "Have you finished buying? Let's go, I see a sugar seller over there, hurry up ! Hurry up! Otherwise, there is nothing to eat!"

"Oh oh oh."

Jiang Ziwen put away his bracelet immediately, and then quickly followed the pace of Fairy Qingxin.

It turns out that fairy you are a foodie.


Two people were eating, drinking and having fun in this small town, and going around, in a blink of an eye, one day passed.

After nightfall, the two simply lived in the best inn in town.

Originally, this should be a very peaceful night, but in the second half of the night, Fairy Qingxin was suddenly awakened by a strange breath.

This breath is...

The breath of the demon!


At this moment, her room door was suddenly pushed open, and Jiang Ziwen rushed in with a sharp expression.

Before Fairy Qingxin could react, Jiang Ziwen took her to walk out quickly.

"Hey, what's the matter? Did you feel just now..."

Before Fairy Qingxin finished speaking, Jiang Ziwen whispered to her suddenly: "Don't talk, there are demons!"


Fairy Qingxin frowned and turned to look at the man close at hand: "I didn't feel it, how can you know so clearly? Is your cultivation level higher than mine?"


Jiang Ziwen hesitated and didn't go on. Instead, he took her hand hard and looked very serious: "Trust me! Let's let them know that the daughter of the Emperor is here. You will be in big trouble."

The people of the fairy clan knew that the Emperor Yunzhi had a genius daughter, who was outstanding in appearance, stunningly beautiful, and talented and had a very high level of cultivation.

And no one is perfect, no immortal is immortal.

The daughter of Immortal Emperor is good, because she is too arrogant and domineering, and her personality is pure and impulsive. She often makes trouble in the immortal world, which makes the immortal emperor very big.

This is the Fairy Qingxin in the eyes of others——

Tell the truth.

Including Xiandi, Jian Yunyi, and many people, they all felt that this was the Qingxin Fairy they knew, but in fact...

"I am the daughter of the fairy emperor, and I have the immortal lock, why should I be afraid of the demons?"

Fairy Qingxin suddenly broke away from Jiang Ziwen's hand, with a look of arrogance.

Seeing her raised her chin slightly, she was very proud, and the man beside her suddenly smiled softly.

"Yeah, you are the best, you are omnipotent, so... is this the reason you brought the demons?"

Jiang Ziwen's face suddenly changed, but his tone became more gentle.

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