Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1608: 1608: Big Wedding (3)

"Xiaodie and the others must have released water for Jiang Lixing and them?"

Hearing the lively accompaniment outside, Xia Zhenzhen said to herself.

Upon hearing Xia Zhenzhen’s words, Ning Huanxin gave a deep smile--

Guliang, you are so naive!

Count on Qiao Xuejun and Xie Yudie to release water to Jiang Lixing?

Haha, that's a fantasy.

Although she can't see the outside, Ning Huanxin has a keen sense of consciousness and has already sensed everything that is happening outside. At this time, there is only one thought in her heart——

Be sure to find Xiaodie to make a copy of the video and save it forever, hahaha.

To sing nursery rhymes in ten dialects, you have to sing and dance while singing, but Jiang Lixing is in good health, full of energy, and knowledgeable.

Most people really can't complete this task.

Lord Pluto: Is it so difficult to marry a daughter-in-law these days?

Master Pluto’s inner activities are very complicated, but after being tricked by this group of sisters, Jiang Lixing also recognized them. Who made them good sisters of Ning Huanxin? Love the house and the black bar.

This Lord has a large number of them, and he will never care about these little girls!


"Well, you passed the level!"

After Jiang Lixing finished singing and dancing with a few big men, he was finally approved and released by Qiao Xuejun and Xie Yudie.

Even Qiao Xuejun took the initiative to approach Jiang Lixing for the first time and gave him a polite hug.

"Go in, she has been waiting for you for thousands of years, and I wish you happiness."

Qiao Xuejun whispered in a low voice, and then quickly backed away.

And at this time, Xie Yudie also stood in front of Jiang Lixing with a smile: "It's really cheap for you to marry our little Huanxin. At the beginning, I said to her that I want to get married together. Oh, it's a pity she Just like this, I was abducted by you. I am the only one left to be a single nobleman. It's so pitiful, so... In order to make up for my trauma, you must treat her well, you know?"

Xie Yudie looked at Jiang Lixing with a very serious tone and expression.

Once, she and Ning Huan had nothing to say.

Once, Ning Huan was willing to go to Huangquan, the prefecture, to recover her soul and continue her life.

Xie Yudie knew that their feelings would never change, but the sisters were always sisters. Only her lover can stay with Ning Huanxin for a lifetime.

"I love her more than anyone in this world."

Jiang Lixing whispered quietly, this was not a promise, but a confession.

No one can shake this love.

"Well, brother-in-law, please come in!"

Hearing Jiang Lixing's answer, Xie Yudie and Qiao Xuejun immediately stepped aside, one left and the other, while talking, helping him open the door.

Although they are of different ages, they all call Jiang Li "brother-in-law" unanimously.

For this title, Lord Pluto is still very popular.

In any case, he is much older than everyone else, so he can still bear this "brother-in-law".

When Jiang Lixing finally walked into the room, he saw Ning Huanxin sitting by his bed, wearing that delicate and unique wedding dress, smiling charmingly at him.

"My wife, I'm here to pick you up!"

While speaking, Jiang Lixing rushed in without hesitation, and directly hugged Ning Huanxin in his arms.

At this moment, he felt that he embraced the whole world, embraced all the happiness and joy.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law is mighty!"

The people around all gathered around.

Zhang Nian and Wei Shuangshuang dared not shout because of their seniority issues, so they hid and watched quietly.

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