Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1589: 1589: Mine Spirit (2)

Ning Huanxin followed the direction of Jiang Lixing's finger and saw Yuhai Mountain faintly as she stared at it. But looking at Yuhai Mountain from this distance, she could only see the vague outline and the hazy purple gas on the side of Yuhai Mountain.

"The mountainside should be our home. There is really purple air lingering. In other words, is it really the dragon vein that the Gu family suppressed?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly turned to look at Jiang Lixing.

The claim that the Gu family was suppressing a dragon vein has been circulating in the Xuanmen for a long time, but no one can be 100% sure.

"In fact, what the Gu family suppressed was not a dragon vein, but a mineral vein."

Jiang Lixing spoke slowly at this time: "Do you remember the Panlong Pillar at the gate of Gu's family? That should be the formation that was set many years ago. In fact, at the location of Gu's family, there is a vein of spirit stone underground, that vein I already have my own spirituality and mine spirit, but people have always mistaken it for the dragon vein. Think about it, why is the aura of Yuhai Mountain so abundant than outside? It is because Yuhai Mountain has a spiritual vein! "

It turned out to be so!

Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huanxin suddenly realized that because there are spiritual veins underground, Yuhai Mountain will be filled with spiritual energy.

And the faint purple qi was emitted by the mine spirit.

"Will the mine spirit be bad for Gu's family?"

Immediately afterwards, Ning Huanxin began to worry again.

Now that the mine spirit has its own intelligence, will it be an enemy of Gu's family?

"No, the mine spirit is asleep most of the time. Some time ago, I felt it was awake, but as long as no one in the Gu family destroys the mineral vein and mines the spirit stone, the mine spirit will not actively attack the human monk."

Jiang Lixing comforted Ning Huanxin. In this modern age, it is not easy for a mineral vein to survive. There are even fewer mineral veins with its own spirituality, and in general such spiritual things are very simple and kind.

"Don't tell others about this. After we leave, I will tell Zhang Nian to always pay attention to the development of the spiritual veins, and will not let it threaten Gu's family, you..."

What else Jiang Lixing wanted to say, suddenly his expression changed.

At this time, Ning Huanxin also felt it, and she immediately looked in a certain direction of Yanjing, where a strong shock erupted, mixed with several familiar auras.

That place is...

Yenching Medical University!

"Well, it seems to be Ling Leyuan's breath, isn't it because Nan Yu and the others have had an accident?"

Ning Huanxin knew that Nan Yu would definitely go to Yanjing Medical University, but she had forgotten the existence of Ling Leyuan.

Ling Leyuan had protected Nan Xiao for a while, and he should be very familiar with him. There will be no misunderstandings this time, right?

"Let's go, go and see!"

Jiang Lixing took Ning Huanxin's hand, and the figures of the two suddenly stepped out and disappeared into the air.

When they reappeared, the two of them were already in a small alley near Yanjing Medical University, where the atmosphere was chaotic, and they were set up with spiritual power barriers!

"Ning Huanxin?"


As soon as Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing appeared, they immediately aroused everyone's alertness. Ling Leyuan looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in surprise——

How did they get in?

Even if Ning Huanxin is a disciple of the Gu family, why can Jiang Lixing come in?

"Heart, it will be fine if you come."

The people who were fighting Ling Leyuan were Nan Yu and Xia Jinling. Seeing Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing, they immediately leaned over.

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