Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1565: 1565: The final task

What kind of man does Qiao Xuejun like?

Jiang Lixing on the side heard Ning Huanxin’s self-talk, and he couldn’t help but stand aside and smiled: “She, don’t care what she likes, you should first think about it, in this world, in the Three Realms and Six Ways, which man can If you can stand her, let's talk if you can see her!"

Ning Huanxin:...

Is our Xuejun sister that bad? People have a sweet voice and a high level of cultivation. Apart from being able to read minds and having a bad personality, they have no other shortcomings, right?

"I think there will be many people who like Xuejun."

Ning Huanxin muttered lowly on the side.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Jiang Lixing frowned, and immediately said: "Yes, yes, you are right, my daughter-in-law. I have a prejudice against her. Now Qiao Xuejun has learned how to hide her mind. She will use mind-reading skills on anyone at any time, anytime, as before. As long as she doesn’t spy on other people’s secrets, I believe most people are still willing to interact with her."

Although Jiang Lixing still doesn't like Qiao Xuejun, he will try to accept her in the future.

In short, everything about the daughter-in-law is right, and her friend's friend is his friend.


The day the crew left Yanjing Medical University, just two days before the start of school, there were already students who had boarded the school early and returned to the campus with their suitcases.

Seeing the bus of the film crew, many students were curiously crowded around, taking out their mobile phones to take photos, for fear that they would miss the chance to appear as a star.

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing had been sitting in Cui Can's nanny car. They were the last to leave because Ning Huanxin wanted to bid farewell to Yao Rui and Yang Zheng.

Although it is broad daylight, the souls of two people can still appear.

Moreover, Ning Huanxin’s WeChat mission is not endless. She knows that he will not go to Samsara until the movie is actually released and Yao Rui’s heart knot is resolved.

When Yao Rui left, Yang Zheng would naturally follow him.

The emotions between the two people are very complicated. In this movie script, in addition to the emotional lines of the male and female protagonists, Ning Huanxin also deliberately highlighted the relationship between Yang Zheng and Yao Rui.

Moreover, during the days before the filming of the film, Wang Nianping contacted Yao Rui's parents and even Yang Zheng's relatives through the crew.

At the beginning, they strongly opposed the filming of the film crew. Later, the people of the film crew told them the idea of ​​the new film. After friendly negotiation, the two families finally agreed to film the film and agreed to be in the Yanjing Medical Department. When the university holds a public screening, they will also attend.

Ning Huanxin didn’t tell Yang Zheng and Yao Rui about these, but she believed that no matter whether the reincarnation succeeded, Yang Zheng and Yao Rui’s heart hoped to see their relatives, and hoped that they could do well with them. even if……

They cannot see themselves.

But letting them see the farewell scene in the movie will also be a comfort.


Saying goodbye to Yao Rui and the others, after leaving Yanjing Medical University, Cui Can drove to Yuhai Mountain. Tomorrow, Ning Huanxin should also report back to Yanbei University.

"This task will be your last WeChat task."

Sitting in the car, Jiang Lixing's voice was very low, but also vaguely excited.

All the waiting has passed.

A new life is about to begin.

"Oh, I see."

Ning Huanxin nodded, and subconsciously shook Jiang Lixing's big hand.

She knows that with her current identity and cultivation level, she no longer needs to perform WeChat tasks. These tasks are no longer difficult for her.

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