Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1561: 1561: Change the script (1)

Ning Huanxin smiled indifferently, but Qiao Xuejun's expression was always complicated.

"Sister Qiao, are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?"

Tang Mo looked at Qiao Xuejun and asked subconsciously.

"I'm fine."

Qiao Xuejun finally recovered at this time, and smiled at Tang Mo.

At this time, she began to curse Jiang Lixing from the bottom of her heart.

I knew this guy was unreliable for a long time.

Sure enough, I dug a hole and waited for myself to jump!

damn it!

Qiao Xuejun took a deep breath and stabilized her mood——

Ouyang Ling and Shen Xue are just characters in the movie, and it is impossible for him to confuse virtual characters with reality.

"Sister Ning, Sister Qiao!"

At this time Wei Sixuan and Wei Sijie also came over.

Seeing the two of them, Qiao Xuejun has not reacted so much. Although she remembers everything that happened not long ago, she still rarely spends time with "Brother Ye Family". Most of her are with "Ouyang Ling". Or "Han Jing" together.

When she thought of this, Qiao Xuejun suddenly turned her head to look at Ning Huanxin, and took her to walk quickly.

"We have something to do with Director Wang, so we will be out of company first."

Qiao Xuejun had already taken Ning Huanxin far away.

"How do you know I'm looking for Director Wang?"

Ning Huanxin asked Qiao Xuejun with a smile.

"I do not know."

Qiao Xuejun looked at Ning Huanxin with an unhappy expression: "I only know that my good sister is bullying me with others. You know that I have lost my memory in that world, and you don’t remind me. You still hide in the sidelines watching the excitement. You broke down with Jiang Lixing!"

Qiao Xuejun complained.

"Xuejun, don't do this. Axing said this can help you. If you retain your spiritual power and memory, how can you experience the seven emotions and six yu in the world?"

Ning Huanxin smiled at Qiao Xuejun: "Look at me, because I have no memory after reincarnation, so I can live, old, sick, and die just like ordinary people. Whether poor or rich, I can live steadily and happily in every life. This is not the case. Is it good?"

The life of a mortal may be very hard, very short, and even unfortunate.

But no matter what is good, sweet and bittersweet, salty, full of flavors, this is the real life.

If you always think of immortals and gods, how can you truly appreciate the joy of people?


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Qiao Xuejun exhaled deeply from the side: "Well, I will give you face this time, and I won't care about that fellow Jiang Lixing."

As he said, Qiao Xuejun raised his eyebrows lightly: "But you quickly let him help me lift the seal, don't think about taking the opportunity to bully me again!"

"Don't worry, Ah Xing is sincerely making friends with you and won't lie to you."

The two people had already reached the shooting scene while they were talking. Seeing Wang Nianping busy in front of the camera, Ning Huanxin immediately speeded up and walked to Wang Nianping's side: "Director Wang, I have something to tell you!"

"whats the matter?"

When Wang Nianping heard Ning Huanxin's words, he immediately stopped the movement in his hand, turned and walked in front of the two people.

"Director Wang, let's change the script!"

Ning Huanxin spoke out his thoughts straightforwardly.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wang Nianping was slightly startled, and changed the script after shooting?

Although there have been such things in the circle before, such things cannot be decided by just a few words, and... Wang Nianping is still very satisfied with the current script.

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