The truth about the female student who died innocently 25 years ago was concealed by everyone.

This is the true message the female ghost wants to convey to Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin went back to school alone, instead of going to class, she went back to the old teaching building alone.

She pushed open the door of the old teaching building alone, and smiles seemed to be heard in the whole building at this time.

Ning Huan saw the scene from twenty years ago in a vague manner.

There are countless students here in class and frolicking.

The campus was supposed to be a pure land. Since when did the campus become full of secrets, full of various transactions.

"Yao Rui, I know you are here, you come out."

Ning Huanxin walked into a classroom, which was extremely quiet and seemed isolated from the world.

She sat in the first row and yelled softly in the direction of the podium.

Before long, a fuzzy shadow gradually appeared.

That shadow finally turned into a handsome man, it was Yao Rui.

"I knew it was you, and it was you who pretended to be Ye Xing."

Ning Huan looked at Yao Rui earnestly: "I want to know your story, to be exact... it's your story."

In Yenching Medical University, there are stories that young male professors and female students have to tell. Even this story eventually became the top ghost story on campus and was adapted into a movie.

But no one knew that there was no story between the young male professor and the female student.

Everything is different from everyone's imagination.

"You have seen Sister Qin. You should have heard a lot about me from her, right?"

Yao Rui looked at Ning Huanxin at this time and smiled gently: "Since I was a child, I have become a student with excellent character and learning under the cultivation of my parents. Even for their hope, I had to choose myself not At that time, I really didn’t have much thoughts about the university major I liked. I just wanted to study hard. It would be nice not to shame my father after graduation. But when I was studying abroad alone, I saw a whole new world, a free world."

At this point, Yao Rui's eyes were shining brightly.

"There, I can do whatever I want. No one will restrain me anymore. No one can control my life. I learned to skip class, to drag racing, to fight, and medicine."

The days when Yao Rui was abroad were the days when Yao Rui was the youngest and frivolous and freed himself the most.

However, he can't stay abroad for a lifetime, he always has to return to the country, and...

"I once thought about changing my career after returning to my country and doing whatever I wanted to do, but this idea didn't come true in the end, because before I graduated, I got into trouble, because I was fighting with people outside the school, and I was arrested by the police. I was unaccompanied in a foreign country. When I was in prison, I thought I was finished in my life. I didn’t even dare to call home. It might be the bleakest and most tragic day in my life, but it was that At that time, a person appeared and saved me. He was my tutor, and that tutor was also from Huaxia. It was he who released me on bail, gave me remedial classes, and persuaded the school to give me the opportunity to take retakes. Seriously, I hate it since I was young The profession of a teacher, because my parents are both teachers, and everyone around me is a teacher, and because of this family, my father has hoped that I can become an excellent teacher."

Yao Rui rejected this profession from the bottom of his heart, but the turning point in his life was precisely because of a teacher.

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