Early the next morning, Ning Huanxin was called to go to class by the dormitory.


Ning Huanxin was listlessly packing his books and went to class. As a result, he felt sleepy all over when he entered the classroom. The familiar tiredness quickly hit, and Ning Huanxin fell asleep without knowing it.

When she woke up, she found that everyone else in the classroom was gone. The entire large classroom was empty, and she was the only one left.

"Ring ringing."

The phone's ringtone rang suddenly at this time.

Ning Huan's heart jumped a few times, and she subconsciously answered the phone: "Han Jing, where are you? Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling are gone!"

Ye Xing's voice came through the phone, very anxious and hoarse.


Ning Huanxin stood up abruptly: "Ye Xing, where are you now? I'll find you."

With that said, Ning Huanxin had picked up the backpack and rushed out of the classroom.

According to the address Ye Xing said on the phone, Ning Huanxin quickly found the two brothers of the Ye family. At this time, their expressions were very flustered.

"What happened? What do you mean when Shen Meng and Ouyang Ling are missing?"

As soon as Ning Huanxin met, she immediately asked eagerly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Ye Xing and Ye Chen on the side looked at each other: "Brother, it's still you."


Ye Chen nodded, and then said anxiously: "During our lunch break, we originally went to meet Ouyang Ling for dinner, but he said he had an appointment with Shen Xue."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen paused, then his expression was a little embarrassed: "My brother and I also like Shen Xue. You know Han Jing, so we both plan to follow along to see where they are going and if they want Going on a date, where are the two people going."

It turned out that the two people followed Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling, no wonder they became hesitant when they said this.

"What happened later?"

Ning Huanxin wasn't interested in whether a man was chasing a girl or a woman was chasing a man. She just wanted to know what happened.

"Later, we followed the two of them not far and near, who knew that they suddenly walked to the old school building, and then they secretly bypassed the cordon and went in. Then... they just walked in. Gone!"

That's right, it's just gone!

Because Ye Xing and Ye Chen also hesitated to follow, but when they arrived at the teaching building, where are the shadows of Ouyang Ling and Shen Xue?

The two people seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No matter how they shouted or searched, they rummaged through the entire teaching building, but Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling were not found.

At this time, the two brothers of the Ye family were really scared, and thought of the rumors about female ghosts, they immediately called Ning Huanxin.

After all, she was among the people who investigated together and led ghosts on the rooftop together.

"So, you called me, do you want me to go to the school building with you?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.


Ye Chen nodded heavily: "I think as long as you are there, we will all gather in the teaching building. Maybe we can find Shen Xue and Ouyang Ling. Now the two of them are likely to be hit by a ghost. Trapped inside, we can't see them, and they can't get out by themselves!"

It's worthy of studying all kinds of metaphysics all day long. Ye Chen's words are top-notch. What is rare is that Ning Huanxin also thinks what he said makes sense.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go together! A little later, I'm afraid they will be in danger!"

Ning Huanxin said, already running towards the old teaching building first.

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