"Okay, big brother, don't be angry. I'll tell Xiaoxue tomorrow, can't I check it out?" I was really anxious to see Han Yu, and Ning Huanxin immediately looked at him with a flat face.


As she said, she deliberately opened her mouth and yawned: "I'm sleepy. It's midnight. I'm going to bed. Brother, don't you have to go back to the police station tomorrow? You should rest early too! Good night. !"

Ning Huanxin quickly turned and ran into Han Jing's bedroom.

This girl knows to run away whenever something happens!

Han Yu stood there and shook his head, watching Ning Huanxin close the door of the room, only then did Han Yu retract his gaze, and the expression in his eyes gradually became complicated——

The autopsy reports of Ruan Qingqing and Yao Rui were indeed problematic.

This is why he doesn't want his sister to check it anymore.

Of course, the two reports he gave to Shen Xue and Ning Huanxin did not have any problems or flaws, because they were all edited and copied by him.

"Quietly, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts and truly give up the investigation."

Han Yu whispered, and turned back to his room.


This night is extremely long.

Ning Huanxin didn't sleep all night. She was thinking about Yao Rui, Shen Xue, and still thinking...what did Han Yu hide from herself?

In this way, after tossing and turning all night, when the sky was bright, Ning Huanxin was still sitting on the bed alone.

"Quiet, are you up?"

Han Yu wakes up very early every day. It may be a professional habit. He sleeps very little throughout the year and is in a state of high concentration all day long.

Hearing the voice outside the door, Ning Huanxin immediately agreed.

"Brother, I'm up, wait for me, I'll change clothes."

"Well, good, I'll wait for you to go downstairs to have breakfast."

Han Yu doesn’t know how to cook. On weekdays, his mother cooks for two people. But recently, because it’s a holiday, his mother and a group of friends traveled abroad, so only their brothers and sisters are left at home. Naturally, they can eat whatever they can. When you don’t want to cook, go downstairs to the restaurant to eat.

Ning Huanxin went out after packing up. As soon as he went out, he saw Han Yu already standing at the gate. He was already wearing leather shoes, a white shirt, and black trousers, a clean and refreshing outfit, coupled with delicate facial features. , So that Han Yu's whole person looks more gentle.

This appearance is really not like a forensic doctor, more like a lawyer or a teacher.

"Brother, you are so fast, didn't you have enough food last night?"

Ning Huanxin teased him while walking outside.

"I'm just used to getting up early. I didn't expect you to really get up. Look at your dark circles."

Han Yu raised his hand and gestured before Ning Huanxin's eyes: "You didn't sleep much last night, did you?"

"No, I slept when I went back! It's just that I might have fallen asleep too late, that's why I have dark circles under my eyes. Just wait for me to go back and apply an eye patch."

Ning Huanxin didn’t want Han Yu to worry. The brothers and sisters talked and laughed and soon went outside the community. Many breakfast shops were open at this time. Ning Huanxin deliberately walked behind Han Yu, because she didn’t know that the two brothers and sisters were always What taste.

"What do you want to eat today?"

Sure enough, Han Yu was walking, and suddenly asked Ning Huanxin.

"Whatever, or just... as usual?"

Ning Huan answered vaguely and threw the question to Han Yu.

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