"Tsk tusk tusk, young people now!"

Hearing Shen Xue's words, the grandmother on the side shook her head while taking her reading glasses. She really thought that these two girls came here to see the handsome guy.


Has there been any young professor in the college recently? I haven't heard anyone mention it.

When she slowly put on her reading glasses, she saw that Shen Xue had handed the phone to her. This photo was...

The old grandma squinted her eyes and carefully identified her. Suddenly her expression changed and her hands trembled, and the phone fell off.

Fortunately, Ning Huanxin on the side responded extremely quickly, and she quickly caught the phone.

"Grandma, are you okay?"

Ning Huan looked at the old man in surprise, she must know Yao Rui, otherwise she would not have such an expression.

When Ning Huanxin was in the library, she read the school newspaper and Ruan Qingqing's enrollment time. According to the synchronization time in the movie, Yao Rui should have been dead for almost 20 years.

So when Yao Rui was still alive, he was probably colleagues with many retirees here.

Twenty years ago, the grandmother in front of her was only about forty years old.

"No, I'm okay, my heart suddenly became uncomfortable just now, I'm sorry, I almost broke your phone, I'm leaving."

The old grandmother's face was very bad. She slowly got up, and before leaving, she called away a few people nearby. After that, everyone else in the community avoided Ning Huanxin and Shen Xue.

The two finally returned without success.

"Han Jing, why do people in the community react so much to Yao Rui's photos?"

After leaving the community, Shen Xue frowned, asking Ning Huanxin as he walked.

"A lot of them should have known Yao Rui. After all, Yao Rui was a celebrity from a medical university more than 20 years ago. I heard that he had a background in studying abroad and was a returnee. Moreover, Yao Rui's death was strange and he had a relationship with female students. The case is closely related. Anyone who sees pictures of people who have died decades later will be surprised, right?"

Ning Huanxin organized the language and explained it.

In fact, who knows the true content and truth of the ghost stories in the college? In the script of this movie, all the plot trends are based on the plot written by the screenwriter.

From the ghost story to the incident of the school student falling from the building, the heroine team went out to find the real murderer and calmed down the grievances of the ghost. This is the main trend of the whole movie, which combines horror, suspense and part of the reasoning plot.

Of course, the most important thing is the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, and the love line of the heroine.

This is all the plot that Ning Huanxin knows, but she can't tell anyone, because she needs to observe what the world is like.

"No, no, that old woman's behavior is very abnormal. I think she is scared, in fear, really. When she recognized the person in the photo, her first and most direct reaction was not surprise, but Afraid."

Shen Xue's tone was firm.

"Han Jing, it seems that Yao Rui's death must not be simple. Any female ghost claiming her life is nonsense. He may have been murdered. Considering Yao Rui's scenery back then, there must be many people who envy and hate. "

Shen Xue said with certainty, it seems that her mind is really careful.

Ning Huanxin actually felt strange...

Is Yao Rui's death really suspicious?

A bold guess suddenly appeared in Ning Huanxin's heart--

The female ghost set up this world and this scene, not for them to play a movie here, but to use their hands to find the truth about something that year.

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