There is a WeChat mission.

Sure enough, it was the same as Jiang Lixing said. While Ning Huanxin followed Qiao Xuejun forward, she turned on her mobile phone seemingly inadvertently, and the new WeChat task immediately jumped out——

Search for a new WeChat task:


Once this task is started, it cannot be exited or abandoned halfway. Are you sure to accept the task?


Can't withdraw, can't give up halfway? What does it mean?

Ning Huan frowned, this task seemed a bit strange!

She thought that Jiang Lixing would also tell herself that this time it was very interesting, but it was also dangerous.

And... is closely related to Qiao Xuejun.


Ning Huanxin hesitated for a moment, and still chose yes. In the next second, Ning Huanxin felt like the sky was spinning!

and many more!

Why is this scene so familiar?



Ning Huanxin suddenly sat up from the bed, she opened her eyes and looked at everything that was strange before her.

Did she enter the ghost memory or dream again?

Sure enough, it is the same as the first WeChat mission, ten years of life and death?

Ning Huan was hesitant to prove that the phone on the bedside suddenly rang.

She was dumbfounded, and saw her mobile phone immediately picked up, a name fluttered on the screen——

Shen Xue.

Shen Xue's call.

Shen Xue... Isn't she the movie heroine played by Qiao Xuejun? This is a fictional character!

Ning Huan frowned and answered the phone.

"Han Jing, why did you answer the phone? You haven't gotten up yet?"

Qiao Xuejun's voice came over the phone, very cheerful.

"Um, Shen Xue?"

Ning Huanxin's brain flew around and asked Qiao Xuejun.

"It's me. Are you confused? We asked Ouyang Ling and the others to gather at the school gate. I'm going to be there soon. Don't tell me you are still at home!"

Shen Xue, Han Jing, Ouyang Ling.

These are all fictional characters in the movie!

Ning Huanxin had a hunch in her heart at this time--

Could it be that this time they were trapped in the movie world by female ghosts?

No wonder Jiang Lixing said this mission was "interesting."

"Han Jing?"

Seeing that Ning Huanxin stopped talking, Qiao Xuejun on the other end called her again.

"Oh oh oh, I see, I'll go right away and hang up first!"

Ning Huanxin hung up the phone quickly. Only then did she begin to observe her room carefully. To be precise, this is Han Jing's room. There are desks, wardrobes, and textbooks on pharmacy.

Shen Xue studied clinical medicine, while Han Jing majored in pharmacy.

Ning Huanxin jumped out of bed at this time and walked to the closet. There is a full-length mirror next to the closet. Ning Huanxin looked at the person in the mirror. It was indeed herself. Fortunately, she did not change her appearance here, at least not. Will feel awkward.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Huanxin packed up some things and found Han Jing's backpack and planned to go out.


Where is the school?

Ning Huanxin's footsteps stopped, and at this moment a knock on the door suddenly came from outside Ning Huanxin's bedroom door.

"Quiet, it's almost three o'clock, aren't you going out? Take a nap for so long."

There was a man's voice outside the door, a bit strange, Ning Huanxin could be sure that it was not from the crew, nor was it someone she knew.

That would be...

Is it Han Jing's family?

Quickly reviewing the plot, Ning Huanxin remembered that Han Jing’s parents divorced. She grew up with her mother and brother. Of course, they did not appear in the movie, nor did these two actors.

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