Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1510: 1510: Old teaching building to be demolished

Although Jiang Lixing came to visit the class, the film crew still gave him a special chair to rest.

Seeing Ning Huanxin coming, Jiang Lixing immediately stood up and let Ning Huanxin sit in his chair.

"Drink of water."

While talking, Jiang Lixing handed Ning Huanxin a glass of lemonade.


Ning Huanxin took the water glass and looked up at Jiang Lixing: "Axing, you look more like my assistant now."

"Then I will be your assistant, 24 hours a day, personal service."

Jiang Lixing replied indifferently.

"Cough cough cough."

I don't know when Gu Chen had already stood behind the two with a smile: "Brother-in-law, it is not easy to be an assistant now. Are you still coming to grab work with me?"

"Your assistant is not competent anyway."

Jiang Lixing glanced at Gu Chen: "Where did you go just now? Did you find a celebrity to sign?"


Gu Chen scratched his head: "I just walked around. I found that there is a lake behind this Yanjing Medical University School. The courtyard behind the lake is the old campus decades ago. Do you know? The original ghost story took place on the rooftop of a teaching building on the old campus. Unfortunately, the place has been closed. The school also said that it was in disrepair and the crew could not let the crew in to shoot, but only take a long view."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen showed a look of regret.

"Actually, you want to go to survey Feng Shui, right?"

Ning Huanxin explained Gu Chen’s careful thoughts. This guy has been obsessed with Feng Shui since he was a child, and now he finally has the opportunity to come to this unmanned campus in a high-sounding manner. Naturally, he wants to show off his talents and conduct surveys here. a bit.

"Hey, old sister who knows me too."

Gu Chen blinked at Ning Huanxin: "Unfortunately, the old campus over there was sealed off. It was said to be a dangerous building. I just asked the security guards in the school. I heard that the old school building will be demolished next year. To build a new student dormitory."


When Ning Huanxin heard Gu Chen's words, she couldn't help but turned her head and looked in a certain direction. Unfortunately, there were many buildings and forest playgrounds between them. Ning Huanxin could not see the old school building that Gu Chen said.

"Sister Huanxin."

At this time, an assistant in the crew smiled and walked to Ning Huanxin: "Sister Huanxin, it's going to be your scene, do you prepare first?"


Ning Huanxin stood up immediately, holding her own script in her hand. She only had three scenes to shoot today, one was a rival scene with Qiao Xuejun, and the other two were solo scenes by herself.

Because Qiao Xuejun had just finished filming with Tang Mo, the director team decided to let her take a break and film Ning Huanxin alone.

After Tang Mo finished the play, he rested with a group of assistants while continuing to study the script. It was Qiao Xuejun. She didn't need to recite lines at all. She walked to Jiang Lixing's side carelessly, looking at her with complicated eyes.

Jiang Lixing was a little confused by Qiao Xuejun--

What does this woman want to do?

How does she look weird today.

Jiang Lixing was wondering when he saw Qiao Xuejun already sitting on the small stool next to him: "Hey, Jiang Lixing, ask you something."

Jiang Lixing raised his eyes and glanced at Qiao Xuejun: "If you have anything, just ask."

"That one……"

Qiao Xuejun blinked, and then she looked tangled again, she really didn't know what to say.

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