Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1501: 1501: Opening Ceremony (2)

"Haixin, come to the first incense stick."

According to the rules, the first Zhuxiang should belong to the director, but Wang Nianping gave up the position to Ning Huanxin, but everyone at the scene had no objections, because everyone in the circle knew Ning Huanxin’s family background and identity, she was People from the Exorcism family, then the first stick of incense let her come, undoubtedly an extra layer of protection for the entire crew.

Ning Huanxin took the three sticks of incense and worshipped in front of the altar. The sun was very blazing at noon at this time, but when Ning Huan was incense, there was a sudden inexplicable cold wind blowing.

Ning Huanxin didn't feel distracted, and still concentrated on incense.

Not far away, Qiao Xuejun and Jiang Lixing both subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

There, in a place invisible to ordinary people, a translucent shadow flashed past.

Everyone at the scene felt the momentary chill, but the chill was fleeting, and people had to suspect that it was just an illusion of a moment.

Next, Wang Nianping and the directors began to give incense, and then the hero and the hero of the film.

The heroine of this movie is Qiao Xuejun. Qiao Xuejun’s reputation in the entertainment industry is not very big, but in the past few months after returning to China, her agent has also done a lot of publicity and has taken a lot of it for her. Qiao Xuejun’s current popularity is also good.

As for the leading actor of this movie, Tang Mo, a well-known Xiao Xianrou in the entertainment industry today.

Tang Mo is not very old and looks very handsome. He is one of the representatives of the small traffic army in the circle.

The budget of this movie is actually not that much, so the salary for each starring player is also very small. The reason why Tang Mo is willing to lower his worth to star in this movie is to prove to those picky audiences that he can not only look at his face, but also his acting skills. watch. Second, Tang Mo likes Wang Nianping’s movies very much, and he has certain feelings for the horror movies directed by Director Wang. Third, Tang Mo is actually a fan of Jiang Lixing. Although there is no Jiang Lixing in this movie, Wang Nianping is early It was announced that this play would cooperate with Ning Huanxin again.

According to King Jiang’s attributes of doting his wife, where there is Ning Huan’s heart, there must be Jiang Lixing!

Therefore, Tang Mo is very willing to take this movie in his own heart, and his agent has facilitated this cooperation in order to establish a better image for him and enable him to smoothly transform into a "power idol".

At this time, Tang Mo's agent was very happy. He felt that his decision this time was extremely wise and brilliant! Because of today’s opening ceremony, countless media have swarmed in.

Who would have thought that Jiang Lixing would conduct such a huge global live broadcast just a few days ago?

Now as long as any news related to Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin can instantly become a hot topic for the whole people.

Today, this opening ceremony will surely become the headline of all media tomorrow!

Those little fresh meats who gave up this movie because of low pay must be regretful at this time!


"Jiang Lixing, I am your fan!"

After finishing the incense, Tang Mo had already joined Jiang Lixing for the first time: "Can you sign me?"

On weekdays, Tang Mo is a popular niche, but in front of Jiang Lixing, Tang Mo feels that he is just a very ordinary fan.

Hearing Tang Mo's words, Jiang Lixing glanced at him slightly, and uttered two words coldly.


Although his voice was cold, he received Jiang Lixing's answer, and Tang Mo immediately took out the autograph book he had prepared with excitement.

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