Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1493: 1493: Jian Yunyi's farewell

Coming out of Guild Hall No. 7, Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin returned directly to Jiang’s old house in Cui Can’s car.

Now that he had broken away from the Jiang family, Jiang Lixing had to do it simply and clearly, drawing a clear line from everything about the Jiang family.

In fact, Jiang Lixing didn't have a lot of personal belongings. He just packed some habitual daily necessities and a few sets of personal clothes, and finally only packed a small suitcase.

Cui Can drove the two people back to the Gu's house in Yuhai Mountain. When the car drove outside the gate of the Gu's manor, a familiar figure caught their eyes.

It is Jian Yunyi, he has left the customs.

After the car stopped, Cui Can didn't get out of the car for the first time, just rested by sitting in the driving seat.

At this time, Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin got out of the car together.

Jian Yunyi saw the figures of the two people and immediately took a step forward, with a gentle smile on his face: "Congratulations, I saw the live broadcast! It's gratifying to congratulate the lovers who finally become family members."

"Thank you."

Jiang Lixing whispered at Jian Yunyi.

In fact, after Jian Yunyi came out of the seal, Jiang Lixing's feeling really changed a lot.

After all, in his previous life, he was more sharp-edged than he is now, but now Jian Yunyi looks like an epee that has reduced all sharpness, and looks much more stable.


At this time, Ning Huanxin on the side suddenly called Jian Yunyi. Hearing Ning Huanxin's voice, Jian Yunyi's eyes slammed to one side, his eyes brightened again and again.

"Little Junior Sister, you...do you remember me?"

Could it be...

Has she recovered her memory?

Jian Yunyi looked at Ning Huanxin in surprise, and subconsciously stepped forward, trying to pull Ning Huanxin's hand, but Jiang Lixing stopped him quietly.

Jian Yunyi:...

This demon is always so jealous.

Jian Yunyi was a little helpless, but he ignored Jiang Lixing, still looking at Ning Huanxin with surprise.

"I...recovered some memories, scattered and scattered. I remember some things in those memories clearly, including you, brother."

Among the memories that Ning Huanxin recovered, apart from Jiang Lixing, there was Jian Yunyi, and even Qiao Xuejun.

Although those memories are not coherent, some are just a little fragment, but Ning Huanxin can clearly feel that these people are very important to her.

And the big brother in the memory is even more obedient to himself and loves him more.

"It turned out to be so."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jian Yunyi also had a clear look. If she really recovered all her memories, the seal in her body would disappear and all her fairy power would return.

Now it seems that there is still a little chance.

"Anyway, I am really happy to see you recover some memories before leaving."

Jian Yunyi whispered softly, with an unusually gentle expression.

"Big brother, are you leaving?"

Hearing Jian Yunyi's words, Ning Huan was taken aback and asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I should go, but before I go, I will find someone."

Jian Yunyi is going to find Gu Qianchen to avenge his brothers from the three unsettled cases who died tragically before.

"Actually, when I came to the mortal world this time, I came to see you."

Jian Yunyi's tone was very indifferent. He wanted to find the little junior girl who was reincarnated in the mortal world, but he did not expect that this time, he would still be better than Jiang Lixing——

Whether it's first or last.

Little Junior Sister made every choice, Jiang Lixing.

Jian Yunyi had seen it a long time ago, and also figured it out, emotional matters cannot be forced, all he can do is to bless silently.

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