Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1491: 1491: Global live broadcast conference (4)

Sever ties with the Jiang family of Yuhaishan!

Before Jiang Lixing's words fell, there was already an uproar below the venue——

That's the Jiang family of Yuhaishan!

That is Yanjing's first wealthy family!

Jiang Lixing actually wanted to sever ties with the Jiang family?

What happened to make him determined to sever the relationship between the He family and the Jiang family? And also have a global live broadcast?

This is big enough to play! Do wealthy children all play like this?

When everyone was whispering and arguing, Jiang Lixing coughed softly: "Be quiet!"

Just the four words indifferent, listening to everyone's ears was like thunder, everyone subconsciously quieted down, raising their heads to look at the indifferent and handsome man sitting on the high platform.

At this time, Jiang Lixing's eyes were full of dazzling brilliance. He looked at the reporters in the venue and spoke again with a very affectionate and gentle tone: "I have another thing to announce!"

"This matter is more important than the first thing, so I want to finally say that today, I also need all my friends in the media, and everyone on the online platform to give me a testimony in front of the live broadcast platform!"

With that said, Jiang Lixing got up suddenly and slowly, he turned his side, facing Ning Huanxin who was on the side, and knelt before her on one knee without hesitation.

At this moment, Cui Can and Lin Chu on the side had silently stepped aside, and a MV was played on the big screen of the entire venue. This MV was a mixed cut of Mingyue and Hualinger in the TV series "Mingyue Master". They are all sweet shots of two people meeting and knowing each other, and they also have a very affectionate and beautiful soundtrack.

"Heart, I am waiting for a thousand years just to meet you."

"I have settled for thousands of years, just to stay with you."

"I have been alone for thousands of years, just because I love you."

"In the next millennium, I hope to have you by my side, Ning Huanxin—Will you marry me?"

The exhausting global live broadcast was not meant to sever ties with the Jiang family, it was just a piece of news that Jiang Lixing really wanted to do, that’s the matter now——

Formally propose to Ning Huanxin, propose to her in front of people all over the world, and promise her a lifelong vow!

He wanted her to be his wife, not just his fiancée.


"In the next millennium, I hope to have you by my side, Ning Huanxin—Will you marry me?"

When Jiang Lixing said this, the big screen behind him popped up with real-time interactive messages from major live broadcast platforms——

"Marry him! Marry him!"

"Together with!"

"The male goddess hurry up and fit together!"

"I have accepted this ton of dog food! Another ton is fine!"


On the Internet and on the live broadcast platform, all the fans are boiling!

At this moment, Jiang Lixing was still kneeling straight on one knee, holding a small jade box in his hand. The jade box contained in it was not a diamond ring, but a very strange thing. The thing was small and exquisite, exuding a strange breath, and also With a faint fragrance.

No one knows what precious things are in that box, except Ning Huanxin.

She knows what it is.

Because part of her memory was restored, Ning Huanxin also remembered a lot of the past between herself and Jiang Lixing. At this time, the things in the jade box that Jiang Lixing took out were more than three thousand years ago. She and his Love token!

Ning Huan was in a daze for a moment while looking at the object.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ning Huanxin, and when she saw that she had been speechless, everyone couldn't help but breathe out——

Could it be that she would refuse?

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