Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1459: 1459: Awakening (1)

As Yun Ye said, he took out all the Spirit Gathering Talisman he was carrying with him without hesitation.

This man from the Donghai Yun family is considered to be of very good character.

"I am a bit too."

Ning Huanxin also found some Spirit Gathering Talisman, and the two of them worked together to form the Spirit Gathering Formation. Afterwards, they sat cross-legged in the center of the formation. Ning Huanxin slowly closed his eyes and began to meditate silently.

This is a mysterious technique, similar to Buddhism, which allows the resentful spirits and ghosts to let go of their obsessions and resentment and purify their souls.

As the two people cast spells, the entire Misty Valley was filled with faint spiritual power that made people feel very comfortable.


In a corner of the village, there was a ruin burned by the fire. Jiang Yanran was quietly leaning against the black broken wall. At this time, the black windbreaker she was wearing was broken, and blood was still faintly permeated on it.

This Miss Jiang, who has always been bright and public, has her long hair scattered and embarrassed.

Looking at the light spots of spiritual power in the air, Jiang Yanran, who was pale, blinked suddenly, turned to look at the man next to him and asked, "Brother Chan, what are these?

"It's spiritual power."

Cui Can was standing by, looking down at the woman in front of him: "Yan Ran, why are you here?"

Cui Can never thought that Jiang Yanran would appear in front of him in this place at this time.


Hearing what Cui Can said, Jiang Yanran suddenly smiled: "Why are there so many reasons in this world? Why am I so cruel? Why am I so unscrupulous? Why can't I let you go? Who knows the answers to these questions!"

She didn't know and didn't want to know.

She just listened to her heart. When she overheard that Grandpa and Uncle Hai said that something was going to happen in Tongzhou’s laboratory, she immediately thought of Cui Can. She was afraid that something happened to him, so she took her own people. Flew over immediately.

The moment Jiang Yanran entered the Misty Valley, Jiang Yanran was not scared at all.

At that moment, she never had a guilty conscience.

But now...

When Cui Can asked her why, she had such a trace of fear.

What should I do if you really die?

Even if I get the whole world, what's the use?

I regret it now.

I regret it, is it too late?

Jiang Yanran raised her eyes and saw that the surrounding monsters turned into translucent soul bodies. She opened her mouth wide in surprise——

So this is the power of spiritual power?

It's really powerful.

"Where will they go?"

Seeing all the translucent spirit bodies gradually disappearing into a ray of light, Jiang Yanran asked subconsciously.

"I don't know, maybe I went to... the underworld?"

Cui Can whispered, his eyes gradually becoming more complicated--

Whether it is Jiang Lixing or Ning Huanxin, they are not mortals.

Cui Can knew that the spiritual power floating in the air at this time must be Ning Huanxin's spiritual power.

I used to think that I and them belong to the same world, but now it seems——

They can never be a person in the world, but this does not prevent Cui Can from treating them as relatives and best friends.

"Miss, are you all right? Let's go find Huanxin."

Cui Can whispered to Jiang Yanran suddenly.

"I still like to hear you call me Yanran."

Jiang Yanran slowly got up and whispered with a smile.

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