Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1439: 1439: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (12)

Ning Huanxin didn't explain much about Yun Ye's misunderstanding. She didn't want others to know the peculiarities of her bloodline and cultivation technique, so...With the protective umbrella of the Gu family, Ning Huanxin is still very useful.

As for the mission this time and the mysterious things Jiang Ziluo wanted, Ning Huanxin felt that...tonight will definitely be able to see the result.


I don't know if the sky is getting dark.

After the sun set, the villagers who had toiled all day returned to their yard in a hurry.

Ning Huan felt for a while. Everyone seemed to have received special training, and they all returned home almost at the same time, at five o'clock in the evening.

The sun has just set, but the sky has not completely plunged into darkness, but the entire Anle Village is suddenly silent like a tomb.

This feeling makes people panic inexplicably.

The Yin Qi that permeated the entire valley began to slowly increase.

"Sister Gu."

If Yun Ye felt a little bit, he quickly ran to Ning Huanxin's room.

The light was on in the room, but the light bulb was flashing.

"What a heavy yin, what a strong resentment."

Ning Huanxin felt that the Yin Qi at this moment was completely different from what he felt in the day.

"Senior Brother Yun, let's go out and have a look. Remember that we must always be vigilant. It's best to act together and don't get separated!"


Seeing Ning Huanxin's calmness, Yun Ye couldn't help but nod his head. This girl looked a lot younger than herself. He didn't expect that she was so calm and calm at a young age. She was really a man of things!

The two walked out the door together. Before leaving the yard, Yun Ye suddenly stuffed something into Ning Huanxin's hand and whispered a few words against her ear.

Ning Huanxin nodded and placed things carefully before the two walked out of the yard side by side.

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, the yin wind blew his face.

At this time, the whole village is like a ghost village, with Yin Qi and resentment everywhere. The two auras mixed together and turned into a substantive gray gas. The gas floated in the air and hovered, seeming to feel Ning Huan's heart. He Yun Ye's breath, the gas rushed towards the two people.


As soon as Yun Ye raised his hand, he threw out an exorcism charm, and the charm immediately flashed with golden light, breaking up the gray gas.

Only after the golden light dissipated, the gray gas gathered again, and it was more solid than before!

It's really lingering!

Ning Huanxin's eyes became cold at this time, and when she raised her hand, she threw out two spells.

Two golden lights broke up the gas again.

The gray gas in front of the two people finally became less, it seemed to be spiritual, and when they saw both of them, they automatically dispersed elsewhere.

Although it seemed that the gas seemed to scare two people, the expressions of Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye became more and more serious, because the two of them felt that the breath in the village became even more depressed.

It seems that something is awakening.

"Sister Gu, here."

When the two came to a fork in the middle of the village, Yun Ye suddenly called Ning Huanxin and turned and walked towards the east intersection.

Ning Huanxin immediately followed Yun Ye's movements. At this moment, suddenly a cold wind blew, and a black shadow flashed past. When the black shadow disappeared, Yun Ye's figure disappeared as well!

"Brother Yun!"

Ning Huanxin yelled, but still did not respond.

She immediately took out from her bag what Yun Ye gave to herself before going out-Donghai Yun family's spiritual talisman!

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