Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1431: 1431: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (4)

Seeing that Li Heng took Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye to find the village chief, Dabao and Erbao did not follow, but ran in another direction, found a place, and started playing.

Ning Huanxin was actually very familiar with the inside of Anle Village. She came over to observe invisible that day and she remembered it clearly.

When Li Heng's figure stopped at the door of a courtyard, Ning Huanxin's expression suddenly changed.

Could it be that...

"You go in, this is the village chief's house."

Li Heng turned his head and glanced at Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye. As he said, he turned and left.


Isn’t it the home of Dabao and Erbao?

Ning Huan frowned, but still pushed open the door in front of him.

The small courtyard was full of greenery, and a slender figure appeared in front of Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye.

is her.

Mother of Dabao and Erbao.

"Come in, you are welcome, just sit down."

The woman in the yard saw the figures of Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye and smiled at the two people, her tone indifferent, without a trace of strangeness, as if friends who had reunited after a long time wanted to chat together.

"So you are the village chief?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised. He didn't expect the village chief to be a woman.

"My name is Xia Qiu, but people in the village are used to calling me the village chief. You will also live here in the future. Just call me the village chief."

Xia Qiu's tone was still very peaceful, she looked at Ning Huanxin: "I don't know what you call it?"

"Gu Huan."

"Yun Ye."

The two reported their names and then sat in front of Xia Qiu.

"It turns out to be Miss Gu and Mr. Yun. I don’t care what identity you were before you entered here and what you did. After you entered here, from the time you joined Anle Village, you are one of us here. People who die... are the ghosts of Anle Village."

Xia Qiu suddenly leaned forward and even looked at Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye with complicated eyes: "Of course, as long as you live in the village well and don't cause trouble, you won't die. Our village is still very united and friendly."

With that said, Xia Qiu turned straight back, flipping it with one hand, and a key appeared in her palm.

"It just so happens that there is a yard in the village that is empty, you two go live. If you have anything you can go to Li Heng, that is the man who brought you here."

Having said this, Xia Qiu threw the key away, and leaned back on the chair comfortably, closing his eyes, apparently giving an order to leave.

"Thank you village chief."

Ning Huanxin took the key, then took Yun Ye and walked out.

Yun Ye had a question mark. Seeing Ning Huanxin's movements, he didn't say anything, and followed her all the way out.

After leaving the gate, Yun Ye asked with a confused look: "Gu Huan, what is going on? This Anle Village..."

"Senior Brother Yun, let's find a place first and speak slowly."

Ning Huanxin interrupted Yun Ye. She glanced at the key in her hand, which was engraved with a code.

There are not many houses in Anle Village, but each door has a code on the courtyard door, just like the house number in the city.

This is a bit strange, but it also makes it easier for Ning Huanxin to find a place.

Soon, she and Yun Ye came to a small courtyard. The number on the gate was 027, which was consistent with the code on her key.


Ning Huanxin inserted the key into the keyhole of the door, and the lock was immediately opened.

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