Time passed by, and this time, Yun Ye's casting time was relatively long.

Ning Huanxin was not anxious, just waiting quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Yun Ye finally slowly opened his eyes, his face was not very good.

"Sister Gu, I'm sorry."

Yun Ye looked at Ning Huanxin apologetically: "I didn't find your friend's breath, it's really strange! Last time I could sense his faint breath is nearby, but this time..."

"It's okay, I haven't found it after searching here for a few days."

Ning Huanxin sighed, then looked up at Yun Ye: "Senior Brother Yun, is there anything I can do for you?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yun Ye glanced at her.

"If there is no suspect tonight, I would like to invite you to enter the Misty Valley with me tomorrow."

Yun Ye had only heard the rumors about the Misty Valley. He had never been near the Misty Valley. Yun Ye didn't know what was happening, so it was not appropriate for the police to enter together.

The best way, of course, is for him to go in first to find out, but he deliberately called Ning Huanxin, so naturally he had deeper considerations.

The four families of Xuanmen seem to be in the same spirit, but in fact they are in their own way.

This Gu Huan is the mysterious genius of the Gu family. Yun Ye just wants to take this opportunity to get in touch with and get to know Gu Huan more. It is best to test out her details and her cultivation skills!

"Okay, actually..."

Ning Huanxin paused deliberately at this time, and then lowered her voice: "Actually, I have been in Misty Valley in the past two days. I have a general understanding of the situation inside. I should be able to help Senior Brother Yun tomorrow!"


Yun Ye was surprised when he heard Ning Huanxin's words.

Gu Huan has entered the Misty Valley and came out again?

Didn’t it mean that Misty Valley can only enter but not exit?

Is the rumors too outrageous, or is this Gu Huan's cultivation level too advanced?

Yun Ye's handsome face gradually became solemn: "Since Junior Sister Gu knows the situation in Misty Valley, that's even better! Let's work together!"


Ning Huanxin nodded, and then stood up: "Then I will go back first, Brother Yun, do you want to search with the police?"

"No, go and rest, I want to rest too!"

Yun Ye used a lot of spiritual power today, and when he was ten miles away from the mountain, he could no longer feel the breath of the suspect, so even if he went out now, he wouldn’t be of much help. When it comes to searching, the police search team Still very professional.

Seeing Ning Huanxin leaving his room, Yun Ye immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice quietly, slowly his expression kept changing——

The aura of this ten-mile mountain is so abundant? It's strange!


At this moment, Ning Huanxin was still standing in the corridor. She did not return to her room for the first time, but stood at the door of the room, looking in another direction in the corridor.

There is the bedroom of Sister Xiao and Wei Shuangquan.

When hearing the police siren today, Wei Shuangquan was overly calm, and Xiao Sister was overly panicked——

What kind of secret does the couple have?

"This ten-mile mountain is really foggy."

Ning Huan sighed in a low voice, then opened his door and returned to the room.

Today she will have a good sleep, tomorrow is the time.


The next day, the sky was still gloomy. Xiao Dazhong had a hangover all night. When he got up in the morning, his head was still groggy. He went downstairs in a daze and habitually opened the door of the hotel lobby on the first floor. Seeing the police cars full of the yard, Xiao Dazhong's head immediately became sober, his face was shocked--

In the end what happened?

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