Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1417: 1417: Wei Shuangshuang (2)

On the road going out from Shili Dashan, a section of the road was particularly bumpy. After Wei Shuangquan drove out of the village, he bypassed that section and embarked on another small road. Although the small road is not very wide, the terrain is relatively relatively high. Much flatter.

But this road, on weekdays, almost no one would drive by.

Outsiders can't find this road, while locals...are afraid of this road.

Because this road is very close to Misty Valley, very close.

Wei Shuangquan didn't seem to be scared at all, and he was even very familiar with the road conditions on this road.

He drove the car for a while, and then stopped in a place. From the car, he could see the fog not far away. Even if the warm wind was still driving in the car, Wei Shuangquan could feel the chill from all directions. .

It's really cold.

"You are late."

At this time, a woman with a hat slowly emerged from the mist.

Seeing that woman, Wei Shuangquan's eyes flickered: "I..."

"Well, don't explain, this is what I need, this is your reward!"

The woman handed Wei Shuangquan two things, one was filled with paper, it should be a bill of lading, and the other was money!

"Got it."

Wei Shuangquan nodded and took everything over. Only then did he turn around skillfully and gradually left in the car.

And the mysterious woman with the hat turned around without hesitation, and entered the mist again, as if she had never appeared before...

Under the mountain, Anle Village.

When Ning Huanxin returned, Sister Xiao enthusiastically arranged the chef to cook lunch for Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin saw that Big Sister Xiao seemed to be in a good mood today, and didn't hold the abacus to make calculations with a sad face.

"Sister, is there something happy today?"

Ning Huanxin glanced at it and asked with a smile.


Sister Xiao nodded: "My son's tuition for elementary school has fallen. The tuition for aristocratic schools in the city is really expensive! You have to ask someone to find a relationship to enroll in school. Oh, it's really pitiful for the parents of the world!"

"Do you have children? Are you going to elementary school?"

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised, because she had lived here for a few days and she hadn't seen sister Xiao's children, and there was no trace of any children in this yard.

"Well, my son doesn't live with us. Our mountain... Anyway, it's too remote and not safe."

Having said that, Sister Xiao didn't know what she thought, her expression was very complicated.

"Miss Gu, you come from the city, you must not be able to appreciate our feelings. My son and my parents are now renting a house on the other side of Tongzhou. Every time Shuangquan goes to the city to buy goods, he will stop by them. ."

The income in Dashan is not high, but Xiao Sister and Wei Shuangquan have no culture, and Wei Shuangquan is not in good health. Now there is a farmhouse in this village and the couple can make at least some money. If they leave here, she really doesn’t know. What can they do?

"It turned out to be the case. Did you calculate the tuition fees all the time yesterday? Is the tuition really a lot?"

Ning Huanxin didn't know much about this, after all, the living environment of her childhood was really different from Sister Xiao and the others.

"Well, it's worth tens of thousands. But I have already collected it, and finally it's a worry."

Sister Xiao sighed, and then glanced at Ning Huanxin again: "By the way, where else would Miss Gu want to go this afternoon? I have time, I will show you around?"

"Okay, then I'll trouble you sister!"

Ning Huanxin didn't plan to enter the valley anymore this afternoon, so she simply went out with sister Xiao, maybe there will be unexpected gains?

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