Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1414: 1414: Another Anle Village

Seeing the man's lunch, Ning Huan subconsciously remembered what Dabao Erbao had said to him, and his mother gave them wild vegetables every day.

Ning Huanxin didn't think much at first, but now...

She suddenly had a very absurd guess--

Could it be that the villagers in the entire valley eat wild vegetables all year round to satisfy their hunger?

So single, so weird.

Ning Huanxin felt evil, so she immediately went to the next house, fluttered into the courtyard wall, and cautiously walked over to take a peek. There was only one girl in her early twenties. This girl was also alone. She ate lunch, and The man from the other family is exactly the same!

After walking several more restaurants in a row, Ning Huanxin found that everyone's lunch was exactly the same!

And in this village, as Dabao and Erbao said, there are no other children, and even the most ordinary family of five or families with large populations can hardly see them.


Dabao and Erbao’s houses are the most populous in the entire village.

However, Ning Huanxin was not close to the home of the two children. She remembered that the two children said they liked the smell on her body. Ning Huanxin did not dare to get too close for fear that the two of them might smell her own breath and expose her whereabouts .

Therefore, Ning Huanxin sensed the breath of the two children and avoided their home.

After walking in the village for a while, Ning Huanxin saw a 25-year-old girl. She walked very fast, her feet hurried, and her expression was a little nervous and flustered.

Ning Huanxin quietly followed her and found that she had left the village quietly by herself, and then walked eastward all the way, faster and faster, and finally she ran desperately.

The sound of the wind whistling in her ears, the woman ran faster and faster, but when she ran near the mist, she suddenly stopped, stopped moving forward, and even stepped back in fear.

The girl's face became very strange, she was holding her chest, her expression more and more painful, more and more painful.

Finally, she turned around, planning to return to the village.

"Why didn't you run away?"

A cold female voice suddenly rang in the woman's ears, which shocked her!

"Who? Who is there! Come out! Come out!"

The woman looked around nervously, her expression scared and horrified.

"You really want to go out? You waited for this opportunity for a long time? Why didn't you go out? Only one step, the last step, into the mist, maybe you can find a way to leave and return to your original world. "

Ning Huanxin spoke again, she didn't mean to be scary, she just wanted to take the opportunity to test it to verify her own guess.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the woman looked sad at this moment.

"Get out, how can I get out? Are you taunting me? None of us can get out, don't you know better than me? None of us can do without Anle Village. We really want to be in this village. I'm always happy, but this is not the life I want, do you understand?"

As the woman was talking, she suddenly squatted on the ground. She wanted to cry a lot, but unfortunately...

Now she is a luxury even to cry.

Anle Village.

Hearing what the woman said, Ning Huanxin was startled.

This is also called Anle Village?

Are there two Anle Villages in the entire Shili Dashan Mountain?

At this moment, Ning Huanxin's invisibility talisman had reached the time limit, and she slowly revealed her figure.

And looking at the "great change of life" in front of her eyes, the woman didn't seem to be nervous at first, but looked at Ning Huanxin with a look of confusion.

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