Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1405: 1405: The Fifth Prince of the Demon Race

"You finally showed up."

Ning Huanxin was not surprised, and whispered indifferently.

The man in front of him was wearing a simple suit, his eyes were dark and strange.

"Who are you? Shouldn't you introduce yourself?"

Ning Huan looked at the man in front of him and asked with a smile.

She believed that the person in front of her must know her, but she knew nothing about him.

"Don't you remember me?"

The man's eyes were fixed on Ning Huanxin's face. After a while, he suddenly smiled.

"The way you are now, it looks more pleasing to the eye than before."

Ning Huanxin:...

What the man said made Ning Huan's heart bewildered. The man said that her current appearance was the face after wearing a mask? Or is her attitude completely different from before?

"Since you don't remember anymore, then I will introduce myself once-under Jiang Ziluo, the fifth prince of the demon clan."

Jiang Ziluo? The fifth prince!

When Ning Huanxin heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned.

"You and Jiang Lixing are... brothers?"

The two people have similarities in body shape and even appearance, and both are surnamed Jiang!

"I was a brother before."

Jiang Ziluo looked at Ning Huanxin with a strange expression and whispered: "Since the emperor has known you, he can no longer tolerate other people, even the demons."

Having said that, Jiang Ziluo's eyes flashed red.

"I know that the emperor brother is now a Pluto in the underworld, and I also know that he has an identity in Yangjian, that is, the national actor Jiang Lixing. Whatever he does is for you, for you, he abandoned us and abandoned the demon. Family."

Having said that, Jiang Ziluo's eyes flashed with deep sadness.

Once, Brother Da Huang was his belief.

He is the person he admires most!

He has always believed that Brother Dahuang will lead the demons to unify the six realms!

He believed that Brother Dahuang would take them to stand on the cloud, but unfortunately, all this was ruined by a woman!


Seeing Jiang Ziluo looking at him with incomparable accusing eyes, Ning Huan was taken aback, and touched his nose with some embarrassment: "This...I saved him before!"

Yes, that's right.

Ning Huanxin remembered that clip, saying that he saved Jiang Lixing's life, so...

Is their encounter the beauty to save the hero? Romeo fell in love with Juliet?


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Ziluo just smiled coldly: "You saved him? It seems that you really don't remember anything, forget your past."

I don’t know why, Jiang Ziluo was a little pleased when he thought of this.

This woman was taken away from the bones! Memories are sealed!

Being punished will enter the cycle of reincarnation forever and not die well!

Originally, she should have had this fate, but...

Jiang Ziluo came back to his senses and looked at Ning Huanxin with awe-inspiring eyes: "By the way, you are here this time for your friend, the human named Cui Can."

At this moment, Jiang Ziluo is finally about to enter the topic!

Hearing what he said, Ning Huanxin also got a serious expression: "Where did you hide Cui Can? The person you hate is me. Cui Can is just a mortal. If you let him go, what can happen to me.

"Come for you?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Ziluo shook his head.

He was not a fool. Although Ning Huan had lost her memory, her Sanqing Imperial Swordsmanship could still be used, and the long sword in her hand was very evil, actually more powerful than the original fairy sword she had in the fairy world.

That day, his subordinates were injured by Ning Huanxin's shocking sword and almost lost their souls!

"Actually, the person you are looking for is not here."

Jiang Ziluo looked at Ning Huanxin and spoke seriously again.

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