Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1393: 1393: Friendship of Friends (2)

Like Lu Dongbin’s mood, Pan Yingying also believes in Ning Huanxin and hates those people who are black and inexplicable!

But what can they do for Ning Huanxin now?

Things have fermented to this day, Jiang Lixing has never responded, Cui Can seems to have evaporated, and Lin Chu is not moving, everything is too strange.

"Yingying, Dongbin, I finally found you!"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the two people. When the two people heard the sound, they turned their heads and saw Lin Jianping rushing over with the notebook.

"Where is Ning Huanxin? Yingying, have you met her?"

Lin Jianping panted, then asked anxiously.

"Huanxin she asked for leave, those paparazzi are too boring! Listening to the wind is rain, Huanxin and Jiang Lixing don't know how good! Now they are chasing to the school, how can Huanxin study with peace of mind?"

Having said this, Pan Yingying couldn't help gritting her teeth hard, she must defend her idol's reputation and love!

"Okay, okay, look at the angry young **** your face, listen to me! Guess what I found on the Internet?"

Lin Jianping said and smiled slightly at Pan Yingying and Lu Dongbin: "I rummaged through all the news reports since Jiang Lixing's debut, and I found that there has always been a person beside him, and that person is his most trusted agent, Cui Can! This time! Cui Can was not mentioned in the photos or reports in the scandal, and he did not come out and explain to the media. Don’t you think it’s weird? And I checked and tracked Cui Can’s cell phone and found his cell phone. The number has been disabled!"

As he said, Lin Jianping squinted his eyes subconsciously, and his tone was full of suspicion: "You said...Is this scandal a big conspiracy? I smell the conspiracy!"

I don't know if I helped Ning Huanxin investigate the case and check the information more. Lin Jianping felt that his natural detective brain had been thoroughly stimulated!


Upon hearing Lin Jianping's words, Pan Yingying immediately showed high morale: "Okay, the three of us join forces, we must expose this conspiracy together!"


In the entertainment industry, when the fans were fighting on their own, Ning Huanxin was still in the Gu's Manor. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Xie Yudie finally recovered from her coma.

Seeing Xie Yudie awake well, Ning Huanxin was naturally very happy.

"Brother Xu, Xiaodie is still very weak, and Gu's family is full of energy. Let her rest here for a few more days. You can help me take care of her. I have some things to do and I have to leave Yanjing for a few days."

After Ning Huanxin visited Xie Yudie, she immediately found Xu Changan, hoping that he could take good care of Xie Yudie.

"Is it because of Jiang Lixing? Did something happen to him?"

Xu Changan has also seen those scandals. It’s okay for those news to fool the majority of netizens and fans who don’t know. Xu Changan is watching how Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing get together. He doesn’t believe that Jiang Lixing will empathize anyway. Don't fall in love.

Their love is pure enough to make everyone envy.

There is absolutely no possibility of cracks in that kind of love.

"Axing, he has something to do. He went to a far door and this gave some people an opportunity to take advantage of it, so I must go to Tongzhou City now."

Ning Huanxin whispered to Xu Changan: "Cui Can is also in danger now, so I must do something."

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