Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1390: 1390: The whereabouts of Cui Can (3)

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

Jiang Yanran has always been a calculating woman. She is more adept at observing words and expressions. It is difficult for anyone around her to escape her eyesight and emotional changes.

Therefore, she discovered that Jiang Liran was serious about Ash, and tried every means to make Jiang Liran break up with Ash.

Similarly, she also felt that Cui Can has no attachment to herself.

He has completely given up on her, his eyes no longer have that kind of emotion, no more affection and compassion.

And Jiang Lixing, over the past ten years, his gaze when he looked at him was complicated, and it was particularly uncomfortable. Jiang Yanran actually had a guess. She guessed that Jiang Lixing must have known that the accident happened that year. He did, but maybe because there was no substantive evidence, he could not bear it all these years.

However, the current "Jiang Lixing" looked at himself with desperate eyes and didn't care.

Although during the day, I only had a face-to-face meeting in the living room of the main house of Jiang's house and didn't say a word, Jiang Yanran had already begun to doubt this "Jiang Lixing".

A woman's intuition is so terrible!

"Ning Huanxin, in fact, who does the entire Yanjing nobles know your identity? You are the granddaughter of the old man Gu, the younger sister of Gu Xiao, and one of the heirs of the Gu family of the Xuanmen first family. This identity is above our Jiang family! "

Jiang Yanran recovered from her thoughts, looked at Ning Huanxin, and continued to whisper in a very calm tone: "Although your reputation in the entertainment industry is far less than that of Jiang, you are young and beautiful, with a first-class body and a good personality. , Smart and tough, it can’t be said to be perfect, but it’s really difficult to find another woman in this world who is as beautiful and intelligent as Miss Ning, and at the same time young and good-born. Today, Jiang Lixing brings it back. The woman in's can't be compared with you at all. Moreover, when he looked at that woman, he didn't even raise his eyelids, and had an indifferent and calm look, without the slightest love. And that woman's identity... I use mine. I searched all the networks, but no one was found! Isn’t this too strange?"

The man who changed his heart suddenly, the woman who appeared out of thin air without any past.

Everything was intriguing, and at the same time the absurd guess in Jiang Yanran's heart was confirmed!

"Miss Jiang, you praise me so much. I am embarrassed."

Ning Huanxin heard Jiang Yanran's words and couldn't help but smile at her: "However, I have to admit, Miss Jiang, you are really observant and meticulous. Now this Jiang Lixing is indeed a fake, so I must I know where he got Cui Can!"

"Cui Can..."

This time Jiang Yanran also looked solemnly--

Will his life be in danger?

"That counterfeit let Cui Can go to the boat."

Jiang Yanran answered indifferently.

Maybe... because I still care about it.

After experiencing an unforgettable relationship, a man may soon forget it, but it is really difficult for a woman to get out.

Therefore, when Jiang Yanran saw Cui Can leaving, she waited for him in the manor and asked him where he was going.

At that time, she actually had some premonitions.


Tongzhou City is more than a thousand kilometers away from Yanjing, which is not far, but not close.

"Tongzhou is a mountainous area. At that time, I was also very curious about what he told Brother Chan to do there, but Cui Can..."

Jiang Yanran sneered.

"He refused to believe me anymore. I told him there was a problem with Jiang Lixing and told him not to go, but he just refused to listen."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yanran felt very angry.

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