"Although Ace is not a kind person, he is kind to a dying person."

While talking, Ning Huanxin opened the small package that Yang A Nuan gave to herself. There was a book in the package, which seemed to be a practice secret book, and the other thing was a ring.

It is this ring that exudes a very strange scent of blood.

"Ah, this is the secret method of the teacher!"

At this time, Yang A Nuan picked up the secret book and immediately shouted with complicated eyes.

If it weren't for this secret book, Senior Brother Zhou Han wouldn't take the risk, and in the end...the whole body would die.

"It seems Ace really didn't lie to me."

Yang A Nuan sighed.

But Oaisi was so cunning and killed so many people, he would suspect that his intentions were normal.

"Sister Huanxin, what is this ring?"

Yang A Nuan looked at the strangely shaped ring at this time, and a very strange and vicissitudes of life was slowly coming from the ring.

"This should be something of the blood race, it should be... Ace left you!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin found a letter at the bottom of the small package, which was actually written in blood. It should have been written hastily by Ace on the way here.

"Yang A warm harvest?"

Seeing the line of blood above, Yang A Nuan was startled, and subconsciously took the letter and opened it. There were only two sentences in it—

This ring is a token of our family and can order the vampires of the entire family.

I killed your brother, and now I give you a guarantee.


"Is this a token of the vampire family?"

Yang A'nuan was still in a daze at this time, it seemed to be a very powerful thing, Ace actually left this thing to himself?

What does it mean?

"Since it's for you, you can accept it, maybe one day you can use it."

Ning Huanxin gently patted Yang A Nuan on the shoulder. She still remembered that when Ace was living in Gu's house, she looked at Yang A Nuan's eyes very warm and gentle.


In this brief time of getting along, he felt warmth and warmth from her.

It was Yang A Nuan who inspired Ace's "human gentle" side.

In fact, Ning Huanxin came here after thinking of this.

Aisi came to Yanjing for Pesh.

But since he came out of Ganyun Mountain to the present, Zhou Han and Yang A Nuan are the ones who have been the most entangled with him.

So Ning Huanxin guessed that Ace had come to Zhou Han's apartment, and that was the fact.

"The things in this world are very wonderful, the avenues are boundless, you can understand them slowly from now on."

Ning Huanxin returned everything to Yang A Nuan, and after a few words of comfort, she left the apartment.

After leaving, Ning Huanxin called Wu Chuan again and told him that Ace was dead.

This time, it was really dead.


The dark night is cold, dangerous, and full of unknowns.

Ning Huanxin returned to Yuhai Mountain alone, but instead of looking back at her home, she went straight to the top of Yuhai Mountain-Jiang's Manor!

At this time, the entire Jiang Family Manor was shrouded in the dark, and the huge manor was extremely quiet.

Ning Huanxin felt in the manor and immediately walked towards a room.

Manor house villa, in a spacious bedroom.

The room was dark, and the owner of the room was lying on the large and comfortable double bed in his pajamas, sleeping very deeply.

Ning Huanxin used the wall-piercing charm, and the figure passed through the wall and appeared in the quiet bedroom. As soon as she came in, Ning Huanxin walked to the side and turned on the bedroom chandelier. After that, she sat lazily on the bedside and knocked hard. Knocked on the bedside table.

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