Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1383: 1383: Ace's Choice (2)

"In this package, the things left by your Master Baiyunguan are now all yours!"

Ace spoke lightly to Yang A Nuan.

Yang A'nuan didn't know what was going on with Ace, but Ace knew his body very well. He suffered a serious injury and barely managed to survive until now.

Wu Chuan and the others thought that Ace ran away under severe injuries. In fact, Ace just didn't want to die in the hands of Wu Chuan and the others. At the moment of death, he had a strange feeling, as if something was holding him up.

He thought of Zhou Han and Yang A Nuan.

So, he ran out with one last breath and came to Zhou Han's apartment.

This may be...

What the Eastern monks said of cause and effect.

At this moment, Yang A'nuan caught what Ace handed herself, she still didn't believe it, she still looked at Ace vigilantly.

Now Yang A Nuan finally wants to understand, this vampire is too cunning, he killed Senior Brother Zhou Han at first, and then pretended to be him!

It's really hateful!

"You don't seem to believe me? But it doesn't matter, I'm going to die."

Ace simply sat aside, letting his body be covered in blood.

The breath of death was spreading, and Yang A Nuan felt it too.

She has a strong sense of life and death.

"Are you really going to die?"

Yang A Nuan finally felt relieved.

"My senior brother is so kind, and sister Xiaodie is so good, she is just a mortal, why did you kill her? Are you all vampires inhuman?"

"If I am human, I am not a blood race, am I?"

Ace suddenly smiled at Yang A Nuan.

"You said if humans are as stupid as you, what will happen to this world?"

"Shut up, you...you...you..."

Yang A heating stared.

She was really sad and angry when she was just fighting, but at this moment, seeing that Ace was about to die, and the brother's revenge was taken, Yang Ah Nuan didn't know what to do.

Even if Ace is dead, can the brother survive?

This is brother's body!

Brother can't survive, even sister Xiaodie...

Yang A Nuan sat aside dejectedly, her eyes full of sadness, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Didn't you take revenge? Why are you crying?"

Humans are really complex creatures.

Ace looked at Yang A-Nuan and asked in a low voice. At this time, he was already confused, and he might not be able to hold it for long.

"Master said when it is time to repay the injustice. Although the revenge is very happy, the dead person is dead in the end. I will never see my senior brother, and I will never see Xiaodie again!"

Yang A Nuan burst into tears.

Weeping and crying, maybe thinking of something unforgettable, Yang A Nuan suddenly red eyes, raised her head to stare at Ace, and said coldly: "Why did you kill them? They have no grievances against you. ! Do you feel happy to watch the living beings lose their last color? Do your blood races take human life and blood for fun? If this is the case, I will...kill the blood races in the world in the future !"

Perhaps it was too sad, Yang A Nuan's eyes were stained blood.

"You just said when is the time for retribution? Will revenge really make you happy? Will you be happy if you kill all the vampires in the world?"

Ace looked weakly at Yang A Nuan.

"Your master won't let you do this, and your brother doesn't want to see you like this, you...puff"

What else Ace wanted to say, with a "poof", he spat out another pool of blood.

Immediately the whole body began to be corroded by aura and dissipated.

At this moment, he actually felt a sense of peace that he had never had before--

It turns out that death can really be so quiet and so gentle.

Goodbye, this world.

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