Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1377: 1377: Local government relationship (2)

"What nonsense, Lao Niu! Who are you, Miss Ning? How could she die?"

Ma Mian on the side heard Niutou’s words and immediately stomped on his foot, then smiled and looked at Ning Huanxin: "He can’t speak, please don’t mind Miss Ning! There is a good saying that the underground palace is my home, we Take care of it! Ms. Ning is here, just as you go home, are you going to Fengdu City? Come, come, please take the special passage here!"

Ning Huanxin:...

Does the underworld also have a underworld relationship?

"Okay, thank you."

Ning Huanxin was not polite with them. She understood that everyone was so enthusiastic about herself, not because of herself, but because of Jiang's strict performance.

After entering the Guimen Gate smoothly, Ning Huanxin sent Ning Huanxin far away before turning back.

"Lao Niu, what do you think?" Ma Mian asked his partner subconsciously on the way back.

"Well, Brother Ermeng is right, it's really beautiful!"

The bull head replied vowedly.

Horse noodles:...

He knew he shouldn't ask Lao Niu such difficult questions!


Guimen Pass was not far from Fengdu City, along the way, Ning Huanxin felt like he had opened a plug-in.

All kinds of ghosts, generals, ghosts and gods all brushed their presence before Ning Huanxin's eyes.

This has enriched Ning Huanxin's knowledge. She really didn't know that there were so many ghost generals in the underworld!

After walking for a while, the gate of Fengdu City was already near.

Unlike other places in the Jifu, there are no ghosts around Fengdu City. It looks like a tourist attraction. The city gate is very magnificent and the city wall is high. The whole city looks magnificent and very old. sense!

There are not many ghosts at the entrance of Fengdu City. You must know that those who can enter Fengdu City are those with deep obsessions. Such ghosts are not actually seen every day, and Fengdu City is only allowed to enter and not leave. , Those ghosts living in Fengdu City, if it weren't for the Zhongyuan Festival and other important festivals in the underworld, they could not leave the Fengdu City.

Bai Wuchang brought Ning Huanxin to the gate of Fengdu City. The gate was actually open, and from a distance, Ning Huanxin had already seen several familiar figures——

Xia Jinling, Yan Xiaofei, Nan Yu, and the faceless ghosts, they all came!

Ning Huan couldn't help but stepped up and entered the city.

This Fengdu city can only be entered by the soul body, but because of Ning Huanxin's special status, he actually used the physical body to successfully enter the Fengdu city.

Only the moment after entering the city gate, some fragments flashed in Ning Huanxin's mind, and her heart was in a trance.

She seems...

Think of something again.

Only a moment later, those images disappeared.


At this time, Xia Jinling and the others all gathered around Ning Huanxin and asked about Ning Huanxin's situation.

Naturally, Ning Huanxin could not continue to deceive everyone.

"Sorry, I lied to everyone. In fact, I came to the underworld by using the mysterious technique. I have to go back to Yangjian before midnight."

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath and admitted the mistake with a look of embarrassment.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, several people suddenly stopped talking.

The atmosphere is a bit strange, Ning Huanxin is ready to be blamed by everyone, who makes her playful and joking?

Who knows that at this time, everyone was relieved.

"Fortunately, fortunately, you are still alive."

Xia Jinling smiled and spoke first.

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