Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1362: 1362: Go to the Underworld (2)

Seeing a trace of purple-black mist at Ning Huan's wound, Xu Changan immediately looked solemn.


He spoke in a low voice: "Your wound, is it..."


Ning Huanxin shook his head slightly at Xu Changan, "I'll talk about it later."

Ning Huanxin didn't want to be heard by his grandfather. If he knew that he was assassinated by the Demon Race Assassin, he would definitely be very nervous. Maybe he would change his mind and prevent him from going to the underworld with Xu Changan.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xu Changan nodded immediately.

His master is actually not a bad person, but he is the patriarch of the Gu family, and each patriarch is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire family.

Father Gu naturally has a cold-blooded and selfish side.


Gu Qianchen would not betray the Gu family.

Regarding the matter of his master Gu Qianchen, Mr. Gu told Xu Changan in the morning, and the two of them talked in the study for a long time, and they all talked about it.

In fact, Xu Changan already had doubts and expectations in his heart.

Today, Grandpa Gu is finally willing to tell him the truth.

However, Xu Changan still has many questions to ask, and there are still many doubts in his heart——

Why is the Master so cruel to Master?

There are any secrets in it that others don't know.

Unfortunately, before Xu Changan had time to ask, he received a call from Ning Huanxin.

Now, nothing matters.

Compared with Xie Yudie's life, other things can be discussed later.


In the practice room, Mr. Gu had already lit the lamp of life extension and set up the resurrection array.

"Remember, you two only have seven days! Within seven days! It is necessary to bring back Miss Xie's other souls!"

After Grandpa Gu finished speaking, he sat there crouched and opened the formation! In an instant, a faint light curtain enveloped him and Xie Yudie.

"Brother Xu, let's start too!"

There are only two ways for people in the world to go to the world.

One is the soul out of the body!

Enter the underworld with the soul body, but if this is the case, it will restrict your own spells, the state of the soul body, and many of your own abilities cannot be used in the underworld. Moreover, a person’s soul cannot leave the body for too long. Later it changes!

There is another way to enter the underworld with flesh and blood. Of course, under normal circumstances, a human body cannot pass through the time and space barriers of the two realms, and it cannot open the gate of the two realms.

But if the monk uses the Breath-trapping Talisman to condense his breath, and then uses the guide, he can temporarily open a road, and this road will lead directly to the Yellow Spring!

Many advanced exorcists have learned this technique, but there are really very few people who dare to use it and enter Huangquan Road.

Because of this road, once you go up, it is difficult to come back!

Today, Xu Changan and Ning Huanxin will do this!

The two people prepared the interest-trapping charms, and Xu Changan took out some charms from the magic weapon of the space he was carrying with him. The bright yellow charms were the guide to the underworld! Can guide the soul and set foot on the Huangquan!

At this time, Xu Changan muttered his words, one by one, leading those roads to a fixed position.

Those bright yellow guides gradually turned into a void passage, connected by a road that was not clearly visible.

The refreshing Yin Qi is getting heavier.

"to make!"

Xu Changan dropped the last guide, and he slammed Ning Huanxin's hand with great force.

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