Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1261: 1261: Fate in the game (1)

Although Ning Huanxin is a novice, she still knows how to avoid, escape, and use skills at the very least.

The profession of thief is easy and invisible, so...it is very suitable for escape.

"Phantom Red Makeup, don't be invisible if you have the ability!"

"Yes! Are you not the wife of the great god? What are you running?"

"Come to PK, singled out, I'm looking for Phantom Red Makeup to single out!"


Seeing a lot of news nearby, Ning Huanxin looked speechless.

Singled out your brother-in-law! Is it silly to be a sister?

Seeing that the time for the stealth skill was approaching, Ning Huanxin sighed, "Xiaodie, you continue to kill, I might be dead!"

"It's okay, there is an in-situ resurrection card in the backpack."

Xie Yudie on the side whispered calmly while killing.

The resurrection of the **** horse full of blood in the same place has never been difficult for RMB players.

Ning Huanxin:...

Well, I forgot that this is a game, and I can still play it like this.

Ning Huanxin was thinking, the stealth skill disappeared, and the red figure on the screen appeared again.

At the moment she appeared, countless attacks had already overwhelmed the sky, and Xie Yudie would naturally not come to save people, she was still focused on killing people!

Ning Huanxin ate the French fries boredly, and the mouse in his hand had already been aimed at the location of the resurrection card in the backpack.

But at this moment, Ning Huanxin's body suddenly lit up with a black light.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she saw that her health bar, which had been declining due to being attacked, started to grow rapidly, 50%, 60%, 70%...full of blood!

What's happening?

Just when everyone was stunned, a black shadow suddenly appeared ghostly and stood beside Ning Huanxin.

This is a male player with the game ID called King Qin Guang.

Ning Huanxin:...

Wait, I must be dazzled.

King Qin Guang: Daughter-in-law, come to play the game secretly, but didn't take me!

Phantom Red Makeup:...

The crowd onlookers: What is the state of the horse? Did we find something?

"what happened?"

At this time, Xie Yudie glanced at the screen while fighting, and glanced at Ning Huanxin in surprise: "Huaxin, what's the situation? It won't be..."

"Well, it seems...yes."

Ning Huanxin looked embarrassed.

Master Pluto, you know everything, you are omnipotent, I know you are amazing, but your girlfriend is broken, and you still show off your affection. Isn't that great?

Ning Huanxin quietly took out her phone and sent a message to Jiang Lixing——

Ah OK, what's the matter? Why are you here? Xiaodie is broken in love, and I am venting with her, you don't need to be with me.

After Ning Huanxin's news was sent, Jiang Lixing's news came soon too, but not on the phone, but in the private chat in the game.

"I know, but don't worry, it's okay. She doesn't need you to accompany you now, someone can accompany her."

What do you mean?

Ning Huanxin was in a daze. Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and a blue figure suddenly joined the battle circle. The speed was amazing and the operation was amazing!

Changan Xueye!

Seeing that familiar ID, Xie Yudie was stunned. When she was stunned, countless attacks had quietly arrived.

"Don't be in a daze!"

Chang'an Xueye's double spears helped Xie Yudie resist the attack, and kept shooting.

"Why are you here?"

Xie Yudie was really surprised, because after she was with Zhou Han, she didn’t play the previous games for a long time. Later, after Zhou Han went out, Xie Yudie was bored and went to the game again. The guild was already a duo. The old players are gone.

So Xie Yudie started to play a new game, which is this "Zero Age"

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