Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1253: 1253: People from the ability group (1)

"Are you from the third place?"

The male voice on the phone was a bit arrogant and dismissive, and didn't even ask Ning Huanxin's name.


Ning Huanxin didn't care, but just answered casually.

The caller number of this phone showed unknown, and the attitude of the person on the phone was so high that Ning Huanxin naturally guessed who he was.

She had already sensed from Xu Songhai's tone that the friendship between the two organizations of the Three Unknown Cases and the Ability Group was not deep, or even very poor.

Therefore, she intends to strictly abide by the above arrangement and just deal with it at will.

"We're at Yanjing Airport now. Go to the Green Garden Hotel. Go there and find us."

Leaving this sentence, the person in the ability group hung up.

It's really arrogant!

Ning Huanxin looked at her phone and then at the time. Originally, she planned to go to the study room with Pan Yingying and the others, but it seems that it won't be possible today.

After calling Pan Yingying, Ning Huanxin drove out of the school gate.

At this time, the sky was already a bit dark, and it was just after get off work hours, and the traffic was very congested with cars coming and going on Yanjing Street.

It took more than an hour for Ning Huanxin to drive to Lvyuan Hotel, a five-star hotel with a good location in Yanjing.

When he arrived at the hotel lobby, Ning Huan stared at the magnificent lobby, concentrating slightly.

The person in the ability group didn't say his room number, of course, it was not forgotten, but on purpose.

I'm making trouble for her on purpose.

Ning Huanxin gently closed her eyes and sensed it, and immediately sensed a few strange breaths.

three people! On the seventeenth floor!

This hotel requires a credit card to take the elevator. Ning Huanxin’s identity is naturally not suitable for opening a room in a hotel, so she directly chose the back stairs and went directly to the 17th floor from the back stairs.

On the 17th floor, Ning Huanxin strolled to the door of Room 1705 and rang the doorbell gently.

Soon the door opened.

A young man wearing a black baseball cap gently opened the door, then lifted the brim of his hat slightly, and gave Ning Huanxin a casual glance, his attitude was very condescending.


Seeing Ning Huanxin's face, the young man was stunned.

"You...who are you looking for?"

The man frowned and asked suddenly.

Probably because Ning Huanxin is too young and looks very good, different from the people in the three outstanding cases he imagined, that's why the man asked.

"Didn't you ask me to come?"

Ning Huanxin smiled slightly and walked in slowly.

This is a luxurious suite. At this time, there are two other people sitting on the sofa. One of them looks like he is in his early forties, is sturdy, wears a mustache, and has bright eyes.

The other is a young woman with long dark red curly hair. She is wearing a low-cut t-shirt and black tight pencil pants on her lower body. She has a hot body and a **** dress.

Seeing Ning Huanxin's figure, the two people in the room first glanced at each other, and the **** woman suddenly blinked at Ning Huanxin.

"Isn't this Ning Damei? Are you a person with three outstanding cases?"

She obviously knew Ning Huanxin.

Upon hearing the woman's words, her two companions were taken aback.

"Haesu, do you know her?"

At this moment, the boy with a black baseball cap asked his companion while looking at his companion in confusion.

"Ning Huanxin, the fiancé of the national male **** Jiang Lixing! Don't you know? It's really lonely!"

Haixiu raised her chin subconsciously. She is a fan of Jiang Lixing and naturally knows a lot about Ning Huanxin.

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