Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1237: 1237: Forever Mystery

Ning Huanxin's hand clenched tightly.

Chu Yi, you are so cunning.

I was not allowed to solve the last puzzle.

The seven host bodies had all become bones, so Ning Huanxin no longer knew whose identity Chu Yi had used in his own world.

This will become a mystery forever.

Just like Jinghongjian, she couldn't forget it.

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath, her expression very complicated.

Jiang Lixing frowned at this time, looked at the bones, and finally had some enlightenment.

"Huanxin, you mean... he uses someone else's body in our world?"

No wonder, I haven't been able to find the legendary "Master Yi". It turns out that there is such a reason in it.

"He deliberately turned these corpses into bones?"

Jiang Lixing also understood Chu Yi's intention, and immediately frowned a little displeased.

"Haixin, I can use magic to visualize their appearance, so that I can..."

"no need."

Ning Huan looked at Jiang Lixing with clear eyes.

"Chu Yi is dead."

Her tone was extremely solemn.

"Since it's dead, then... some mysteries will remain forever."

What about the mystery?

Is Chu Yi's body more than a mystery?

Since Ning Huanxin didn't know from beginning to end, she would rather never know.

If this is Chu Yi's will, she accepts it.

It's like he is willing to use his own blood to achieve Jinghong Sword.

Sometimes, there is really no need to ask why.

As long as she remembered that such a mysterious person had appeared in her life, his name was Chu Yi, that was enough.

No love or hate.

He is still a different kind of scenery in her life.

"Let's get out of here, we don't belong here."

Ning Huan stepped forward and took Jiang Lixing's hand.

They and Chu Yi were two worlds from the beginning.

The two worlds can overlap and they can meet. From the beginning, it may be a miracle.



Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing nodded.

"Then let's go."

Jiang Lixing pulled Ning Huanxin to a coordinate point, which was the connection point between the two worlds.

From this world, you can open the way back. I believe that Chu Yi did this every time, but opening this space-time channel requires very strong spiritual power.

"Close your eyes."

Jiang Lixing's voice sounded softly.

Ning Huanxin closed her eyes obediently. After a while, Ning Huanxin felt her whole body spin for a while, her mind became heavy and her consciousness gradually blurred.

In a daze, she felt Jiang Lixing hold her hand tightly and said softly.

"Don't be afraid, just sleep."

Ning Huanxin's mind flashed!

"Just a nap."

There was a low and vague voice in my ears, which was very sexy.

It turned out that when she came across, she met Chu Yi.

Chu Yi came back with her, Mu Yuxin, and the three of them.

At that time, Ning Huan felt dazedly that there was a dark shadow near him. That dark shadow was not Mu Yuxin, but Chu Yi——

"Just a nap."

In the turbulence of time and space, seeing Ning Huanxin fainting, Chu Yi gently took her hand and embraced her.

Until the three of them went to the secret room of the National Master Hall.

At that time, Chu Yi had not yet changed his body.

He still uses this and that body, that body is...


Ning Huanxin suddenly woke up.

She found herself lying in the hospital.

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