Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1206: 1206: Chu Yi's calculations (3)

National Teacher Hall, Partial Hall.

Ning Huanxin was taken to a side hall by the maid in white. It was the woman's residence at first glance, and the room still carried a faint fragrance of her daughter.

"Here... is where I live?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly turned around and asked.

"Yes, this is the Temple of the Saintess, Saintess, you have lived here since childhood."

The maid in white bowed her head respectfully, her tone full of caution.

"Is it?"

Ning Huan smiled helplessly, growing up a ghost.

How about she just got here one day?

"Where is the one who serves me?"

Ning Huanxin looked around, the side hall was extremely deserted.

"Master of the National Normal University said that the saint is not in good health and cannot be disturbed by others, so these years...The servants and maids dare not step into this place except for regular food delivery!"

The maid's answer caused Ning Huanxin's heart to move slightly, and he had some guesses.

"So... you haven't seen me before, have you?"

Ning Huan asked coldly.

Hearing her words, the maid immediately took a step back, seeming a little scared.

"The saint is the face of heaven, the servants dare not offend!"


Ning Huan smiled, feeling that the maid in the Palace of the National Master and the people in General Feng's Mansion were the same, and they had never seen the appearance of the Miss Feng Jia.

According to Feng Yan, his sister was taken away by Chu Yi since she was born because she was born with a deadly vein. It was twenty years in a blink of an eye. I really don't know, how is that Miss Feng now? Is she still alive?

Since it is a dead line, maybe it's long gone.

And Chu Yi just wanted to create an illusion, a false saint.

This is what he calculated from the beginning.

With his cultivation base, it is really easy to hide it from everyone.

"Since you haven't seen me, how do you know that I am a saint?"

Ning Huanxin condensed his mind at this time and asked again.

The maid in white hesitated.


Ning Huanxin suddenly snorted, and the maid beside him immediately knelt on the ground in fear: "The saint is forgive me! The holy star shined last night, and the Master of the National Normal University came here as soon as he left the customs. The female was taken out of the Saintess Hall and handed it to the people in the General's Mansion. The servants just happened to see it."

Holy star shines?

Could it be the empty turbulence at that time?

This maid said that Chu Yi just left the customs? Did Chu Yi unanimously declare that he was in retreat during the time he secretly left?

Ning Huanxin nodded, and secretly remembered all this in her heart. Then she glanced at the maid in white: "What is your name?"

"Back to the saint, the servant is called Zhiyue."

Zhiyue seemed very afraid of Ning Huanxin, so her tone was very respectful.

"Oh, Shibazuki."

Ning Huanxin nodded, and continued to ask coldly, "Besides me, have you seen other strange women in the Palace of the National Teacher? Young, with strange clothes."

If he fell here directly after crossing, what about Mu Yuxin?

She should be near her too!


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Zhiyue shook her head vigorously. Was this Palace of the National Masters just for outsiders to come in?

Although I don't know why the saint asked this, she did not see any strangers coming and going around here.


Ning Huanxin was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then lowered his eyes, whispering softly: "Okay, I see, you can withdraw!"


Hearing these words, Zhiyue immediately saluted respectfully, and then quickly turned around and left, as if she wished to disappear immediately.

Ning Huanxin:...

Is she so scary?

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