Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1065: 1066: Yunxi's determination (1)

"Don't say sorry to me, never say sorry to me again, if you have to say three words, you just say I love you."

It is rare for Jiang Lixing to tease at this time.

"Don't worry, your man is not a man, but a god."

While speaking, Jiang Lixing waved his hand again and was restored by the time of stillness, except that Gu Qianchen's spirit sword fell on the ground, making a very crisp impact.


"who are you?"

It was just a moment of dazzling, Gu Qianchen looked at the man who suddenly appeared next to Ning Huanxin with a look of surprise.

Who is this man?

Why can't I feel any breath of him at all?

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you want my daughter-in-law's blood. I am very angry at this point."

Jiang Lixing whispered in a low voice, and a cloud of black energy condensed suddenly between his hands, and went straight to Gu Qianchen's vital point——


Gu Qianchen was thrown out immediately, vomiting a large pool of blood.

At this time, Lin Qiuhan on the side pulled Gu Xiao to stand, his eyes flickering at Jiang Lixing's back——

Lord Pluto, what did you just do?

Isn't it too big to watch the excitement?

Why didn't you take action when my man was vomiting blood?

If your family likes not to lose a single strand of hair, you are going to do it!

Lin Qiuhan felt that Master Pluto's treatment was too obvious, but...

If it weren't for Gu Xiao's injury, I'm afraid she would not have had the opportunity to do such an extraordinary thing.

Thinking of the moment he kissed Gu Xiao just now in a hurry, Lin Qiuhan still feels too impulsive!

Thinking of this, she turned her head subconsciously, and secretly glanced at Gu Xiao beside her.

At this time, Gu Xiao was watching Gu Qianchen who fell to the ground not far away. He didn't seem to notice Lin Qiuhan's gaze, let alone any special reaction.

Could it be...

Did he not feel it?

still is……

He still chooses to ignore himself?

Lin Qiuhan feels that she is like a girl in love now, always suffering from gains and losses.


At this time, Gu Qianchen fell to the ground with a pale face.

He didn't understand why he lost?

This is impossible.

He clearly calculated everything, and he clearly has the ability to win!

It is this man, this man wearing a mask, has become the only variable, and also the most deadly variable!

Even if Gu Qianchen was good at predicting secrets, he never expected Jiang Lixing's existence, so... His overall plan was disrupted by Jiang Lixing in an instant.

"God, is this God's will?"

Gu Qianchen suddenly laughed strangely.

At this time, the subordinates of Gu Qianchen saw that their big boss was killed by Jiang Lixing in seconds, and they all did not dare to step forward, but watched from a distance.

"Where did you hide everyone else?"

At this time, Gu Xiao stepped forward and asked in a cold tone.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Gu Qianchen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up: "Even if I lose, I want those people to bury me."


Gu Xiao interrupted him suddenly, with a very low voice: "Are you going to make mistakes again and again? You can still look back!"

"Look back? I have no retreat at all. I have no retreat since I was born! This kind of despair has been with me for decades, how can you understand that feeling? You are the young master of the Gu family, the dear of the old man! Yours Life is very valuable, but what am I?"

Gu Qianchen looked at Gu Xiao and Ning Huanxin, his expressions were a little sad and a little depressed.

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