Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1039: 1039: Break out (2)

Before Ning Huanxin came to the competition, Jiang Lixing gave her a lot of pills.

Because time was limited at the time, Jiang Lixing had no chance to tell her the name and value of each pill, but simply told her that the darker the pill, the better the effect and the more helpful it would be to her.

But this time, Ning Huanxin chose a darker colored pill. As soon as the pill was taken, Ning Huanxin felt countless spiritual powers boiling in his body.

At this time, several people around him also took out their own medicine and swallowed one, and everyone was quietly meditating and adjusting their breath.

After a while, Ning Huanxin suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes full of sharp edges.

"Are you ready?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's questioning, several other people opened their eyes and nodded.


Ning Huanxin couldn't help turning his head to look far away. People from other sects still didn't dare to act rashly, but Miyue led people to look at the direction of their group from time to time.

"Okay, get ready, I have to turn the switch, you must rush over immediately, don't hesitate for a second, trust me, it's okay!"

Ning Huanxin's tone was serious, and when she heard her, everyone nodded.

"Huan...Sister Huan, you must be careful!"

Gu Shuang is also a girl. Although she was suspicious of Ning Huanxin’s identity at first, she is now scared because those weird branches have killed a lot of people. It’s really terrible, and Ning Huanxin is now for them. People go on an adventure.

"I am okay."

Ning Huanxin smiled slightly, her figure flashed suddenly, like a gust of wind, and she reached the front of Shimen in an instant. As soon as Ning Huanxin stretched out her hand, a few branches appeared again strangely, entwining at a strange speed. .

Ning Huan's heart and hands are quick and fast, and the blood-free red lotus in his hands blooms in an instant!

The red flame is like a red lotus enchanting!

This is the first time she has used the fifth-level technique of the blood-free red lotus, the flame lotus!

The flaming lotus covered all the branches in an instant, and in an instant, all those branches were covered by the fire!


"What kind of flame is this?"

"Why does the Gu family have such a strong technique?"

Just when the others were stunned, Ning Huanxin flashed again. At this moment, her finger had already touched the mechanism!

At this moment, the entire main tomb was trembling, and the big red tree next to the black coffin suddenly stretched out countless branches, heading straight for all the vital points of Ning Huanxin, and attacked fiercely!

The last second!

Ning Huanxin didn't care about those branches. She threw ten defensive charms from her space purse at a time, supporting an aura cover with all her aura, and those branches touched the aura cover and was blocked.

Taking advantage of this time, Ning Huanxin's hand finally touched the stone brick that controls the organ!

With a "crunch", Shimen was opened!

At this moment, everyone in the tomb's eyes widened!


At this time, Gu Ting and his party who had been ready for a long time rushed over immediately, Xindie and Ye Jiuyan gave everyone two accelerators, their speed was like a gust of wind, before the others had reacted. , Nine people have rushed to the door.

"Gu Huan, go!"

Just as the nine people rushed to the door, suddenly countless branches appeared on the ground trying to block their way, blocking the exit!

"Give me—broken!"

Ning Huanxin used the Flame Hualian again, she concentrated on dealing with the branches at the door, but the sneak attack after she came to herself was no longer able to manage.

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