Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1033: 1033: Formation and Sacrifice (3)


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the expressions of several people changed.

At this time, suddenly the entire tomb was shaking, the restriction was really loosened, and it seemed that it was about to be broken!

Everyone was excited, the people nearby looked at Ning Huanxin and the others were like looking at a group of idiots.

"The Gu family actually didn't make a move?"

"Huh, I really thought I knew everything at first class? Since I didn't work hard, don't go out with us if you have the ability!"

"That's right! People who don't contribute are not qualified to leave with us!"

Maybe because seeing the restriction is about to be broken, everyone is no longer nervous and afraid. At this time, people's selfishness is once again revealed.

Even the monks are not saints after all, they will be jealous and fall into trouble!

Hearing what those people said, Gu Shuang immediately stared, trying to refute something, but was stopped by Huo Yin on the side.

"Forget it, leave them alone! I also think this place is wicked!"

Huo Yin is a very careful man. Although he doesn't know Ning Huanxin's strength, he also agrees with her.

"Hey, do you guys who care about the family really plan to make a move?"

At this time, Miyue, who had been silent for a while, turned his head and glanced at Ning Huanxin and Gu Ting.

Her instinct told her that these two people are the two strongest in the Gu family.

"If you go out, just go out and leave us alone."

Gu Ting smiled faintly at Miyue, polite and gentle.

Hey, I didn't expect that the Gu family still has such talents?

Miyue raised her eyebrows. In her impression, apart from Gu Xiao, the Gu family seemed to have no opponent that she could admire. She didn't expect that this time she would actually be met by herself in the tomb of King Wu.

"It sounds good."

At this time, hearing Gu Ting's words, the Mi family behind Miyue couldn't help but mocked.

"After the ban is opened, can we still stop you and prevent you from going out?"

"Yes, shameless!"

People from other sects on the side also echoed.

"It's so noisy!"

Ning Huan sneered unbearably: "If you can't say to go out, don't go out. You will remember it! It's your ability to go out. Our Gu family won't grab you, and... Don't blame if something goes wrong in a while. We didn't remind you! In short-who can go out alive, that's the ability, remember what you are saying now, don't cry and beg me in the future, this lady will not pity you!"

Ning Huanxin really has no affection for these sects, and apparently they are still in crisis, and these people began to fall into trouble.

It's really stupid.

Ning Huan's heart was rarely mad. Hearing her words, Yang A Nuan and Zhang Yuanjian on the side had a feeling--

How terrible!

It turned out to be like this!

Gu Ting and Gu Shuang also looked at Ning Huanxin in surprise, because she was casual and gentle along the way, and it was really scary to suddenly go crazy.

As for people from other families, they were taken aback when they heard Ning Huanxin's words, looking at her as if looking at a madman——

Does this woman have a problem with her brain?

When did Gu's family have such a brain damage?

Most people didn't believe Ning Huanxin's words, Miyue couldn't help but squinted her eyes, her expression full of interest——

It's so funny, I actually met a woman who was even more arrogant than Ling Leyuan!

And at this moment, suddenly two dark shadows flashed to Ning Huanxin's side.

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