Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1024: 1024: Tomb of King Wu of Killing Every Step (11)

Seeing that Zhang Yuanjian was about to lean over, Ning Huan's eyes condensed slightly, and a cold light flashed across her eyes suddenly!

A beam of flame suddenly rose in Ning Huanxin's palm, and the blazing flame was thrown on Zhang Yuanjian's body without hesitation.

"What are you doing..."

Zhang Yuanjian looked shocked, but before he could react, the whole person was hit by the flame!

With a "boom", countless red flames instantly surrounded the entire stone room, and the sky full of cold arrows disappeared instantly.

When the red flames faded, the entire stone room returned to its initial quietness.

In the stone room, besides Ning Huanxin, there are actually two people!

This time, Ning Huanxin was not surprised.

At the door of the stone room, there were two dull figures with their eyes closed. One of them was Zhang Yuanjian, and the other was unknown to Ning Huanxin.

However, Ning Huanxin knew what was going on with them.

They also entered the magic array!

That's right, it's the magic array!

In fact, Ning Huanxin just came out of the fantasy array!

The "Zhang Yuanjian" she just saw was not the real Zhang Yuanjian, but the fake Zhang Yuanjian after the magic array had absorbed Ning Huanxin's memory and Zhang Yuanjian's memory!

It's like the cold arrows all over the sky. They are also part of the illusion. If Ning Huanxin is really trapped there and shot by the cold arrow, I am afraid that her spiritual sense will stay in the illusion forever and never return. .

This illusion is indeed delicate. When Ning Huanxin realized that he had entered the illusion, the illusion could actually change the illusion on its own, making Ning Huanxin mistakenly believe that he had come out of the illusion.

In fact, she has been trapped inside.

The magical array absorbed her memory, and transformed into Mo Xiao, and even transformed into Zhang Yuanjian.

Of course, it should be that Zhang Yuanjian really happened to enter here just now. He was also absorbed by the phantom array. Unfortunately, the phantom array is always a phantom array. It can absorb people’s memories, even the past and character, but it cannot Absorb human emotions, human emotions and desires.

Therefore, there is still a flaw.

Ning Huanxin had seen Zhang Yuanjian not afraid of death. Perhaps he really didn't want to die and wanted to continue to take care of Boss Shen and Mrs. Shen.

But if it was the moment death really came, Ning Huanxin absolutely believed that the young man would accept it more calmly than anyone else!

That's why Ning Huanxin realized that Zhang Yuanjian was fake just now, and there are big problems with the endless cold arrows!

Fortunately, she shot without hesitation and finally resolved the crisis.


Ning Huanxin looked at the two people who were still sluggish at the door, wondering if the real Zhang Yuanjian and the other contestant could get out of the illusion smoothly?

Ning Huanxin glanced at the two people without disturbing them. She carefully looked at the entire stone room. The stone room was not big and could be seen at a glance. Moreover, when she was in the illusion, she had searched the entire stone room. I also found an incense burner!

correct! incense burner!

Ning Huanxin walked under the stone slab in the corner of the stone room according to his memory. There really is an incense burner here!

Could it be... everything in the fantasy world is actually the same as in reality?

Ning Huanxin quickly put away the incense burner. At this time, she stretched out her hands and touched it on the wall of the stone room.

As before, she found the trembling stone brick again.

In the illusion, there are countless dark arrows flying by turning the stone bricks, which can kill people. Then, what will appear in reality?

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