Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1016: 1016: The Tomb of King Wu of Murder Step by Step (3)

The beetle that crawled out of the girl's sleeves was not an ordinary beetle, but a kind of gu worm in Xijiang, named Chasing Soul!

And this handsome and arrogant girl is the eldest lady of Mi's family in Xijiang, Miyue!

Miyue and Ling Leyuan are the same age, because they were born in the same year and are heirs to the four major families, so even if the two have not met formally since they were young, they have long been familiar with each other!

At this time, soulchaser Gu worms crawled out one by one, and finally all lay on the ground.

One, two, three... nine!

"Nine people."

Miyue squinted her eyes, and her Soulchaser Gu worm could sense the breath of people who appeared here within an hour.

"It seems that Ling Leyuan is not the first to arrive, she is always ahead of others."

"Young Master, what shall we do?"

The people behind him asked Miyue, other families and sects, the contestants are relatively free, and everyone's status is equal, but Xijiang is a place with strict hierarchy, and the people of Mi family have always respected Miyue as "the young master." , Because she is the heir to the next patriarch.

Her status is superior, and other disciples can't compare with her.

"Since there are already nine people in, I believe other people will arrive soon. We are not in a hurry. Although there is a saying that early birds have worms, but...isn't there another sentence?"

Miyue looked at the tombs of King Wu before her, and suddenly whispered in a low voice: "The early worm... was eaten by a bird!"

How dangerous is the tomb of King Wu, who knows?

The first person to arrive may not be the last person!

Ling Leyuan, let's wait and see!


It was dark and cold.

The entire tomb of King Wu is completely dark.

At this moment, Ning Huanxin had just adapted to the darkness in the tomb, and Gu Ting kept pulling her.

Ning Huan frowned and withdrew her arm in a different expression.

"Brother Ting, don't we have to wait for Senior Sister Shuang'er and them?"

At this moment, the two people were on the steps, Ning Huanxin didn't know how long this step would take, or what exactly would be in the tomb.

"They can't help."

Gu Ting's tone is still very low.

"You have a high cultivation base. Together, we two can always compete with the people in Liuyungu. Against Ling Leyuan, the odds of winning are also great!"

Although they had cultivated together with Gu Shuang since childhood, it was obvious that Gu Ting felt that he was much better than the other three, and they were not of the same grade at all.

Hearing Gu Ting's words, Ning Huanxin was speechless.

Originally Gu Ting was the leader of the Gu family's team, and everyone was the only one looking forward, but Ning Huanxin didn't expect that when he arrived here, Gu Ting would leave the others without hesitation!

At this time, a ball of flame suddenly rose from Ning Huanxin's hand, brightening the entire mausoleum palace.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from behind, it was Ling Leyuan.

Ling Leyuan barely made any stop, and his figure drifted past Ning Huanxin like a wind. Seeing Ling Leyuan's figure, Gu Ting also quickened his pace.

"Gu Huan, come on! What are you doing?"

Gu Ting was a little anxious, and chased Ling Leyuan one after another.


Ning Huanxin gave a low cry, but the two of them disappeared in an instant.


Ning Huanxin sighed. It was really dangerous here. Although he couldn't tell what was going on, Ning Huanxin had an intuition that something would happen in this tomb.

She wanted to hold Gu Ting, but unfortunately, his speed was so fast!

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