Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 79

Dumbledore's eyes are full of vicissitudes, and his face is sad.

"I just dislike this group of people, bad students cause trouble all day long!"

After finishing speaking, Dumbledore spread the two sides out, looking helpless.

Jason's face was expressionless, and his heart didn't waver at all.

"Oh, okay, goodbye."

With that, Jason bowed, turned and walked away.

Dumbledore watched Jason walk away, slightly frowned, and smacked his mouth, feeling a little tricky, a little helpless.

Dumbledore called out, "Let's continue drinking some tea."

Jason remained unmoved at all, and went straight down the spiral staircase.

Dumbledore let out a long sigh with a sense of frustration welling up inside him.

Fawkes let out a feeble cry, looked at Dumbledore, and stopped crying.

Dumbledore shook his head, was silent for a moment, then packed the tea set.

Jason walked out of the headmaster room, looked at the clear sky outside, smiled slightly, and swept away the unpleasantness in his heart.

Don't think about it so much, those things that affect your mood don't have to be weighed down in your heart.

Life is still alive, there is only so little time, why waste it for those things.

Jason simply packs his mood and strode away.

Jason walked back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, thinking it would be better to continue watching Lockhart.

But when Jason just walked into the classroom, he suddenly heard shouts coming from the door, very noisy.

Jason pushed open the door and went in, and saw the classroom was a mess.

In the classroom, a large group of Cornish elves are flying.

These pixies are iron azure, about eight inches tall, with small pointed faces and very piercing throats, like many budgerigars arguing.

They were frantically wreaking havoc. The windows inside the classroom were shattered and glass shards fell on the floor. The students' ink bottles were picked up and splashed on the students, and the books and papers were all shredded.

Seeing this group of destructive guys, Jason felt uncomfortable for a while, heyed, and stepped in.

Jason's eyes are full of coldness, holding his wand, aiming at the sky above the classroom, loudly shouted!

Those little elves were trapped by an invisible magic power, all unable to move.

Lockhart stood on the podium in the classroom, saw Jason's actions, stuck his waist, ah-ha, and said, "Smart response."

After finishing speaking, Lockhart said to the inside of the classroom. The young wizards said loudly: "Now I announce, the get out of class is over!"

After announcing that the get out of class was over, Lockhart left the classroom as if running away.

Jason stood at the door of the classroom, turned sideways, and let Lockhart walk past.

And the young wizard in the classroom looked at Jason with respect.

In the past, they didn't expect this young and handsome assistant to be so powerful.

Jason didn't pay attention to them, lightly glanced at the elf in midair, opened the mouth and said: "You put these things in the cage." After that, Jason left directly.

Dumbledore didn't see Jason again in the days that followed.

Even if they met in the auditorium, the two parties only greeted each other politely and did not have much in-depth communication.

This Saturday, Jason and Lockhart were casually chatting in the office, having snacks and tea.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Lockhart said, "It's Harry Potter, he came to me today to be punished."

Jason also remembered this when he heard this, as if it was because of the Quiddich team. The friction between the Gryffindor team and the Slytherin team clashed, and even fought.

Harry Potter was assigned to Lockhart by Professor McGonagall to be punished.

Lockhart opened the door to the office, where he spoke to Harry before welcoming him in.

Lockhart sat on the sofa with a cup of tea in hand and gave Harry a casual look.

This child seems to be in a bad mood and seems very dissatisfied with being punished here.

"You can write envelopes!" Lockhart said to Harry, as if it were a great deal, "First to Ms. Gladys, God bless her—one of my ardent adorations ."

Harry said perfunctorily, then sat down in the seat Lockhart had arranged for him and began to write the envelope.

"Mr. Bolton, are you interested in helping me?" Lockhart said with a smile.

Jason thought about it, and there was nothing left or right, so he agreed.

But after half an hour of writing, Jason ran out of patience.

He put the pen aside, then looked at Lockhart with a little surprise, and said, "You write for so long, don't you feel sore in your hands?"

Lockhart said: " I don't think so, but I enjoy it."

Jason thought about it, maybe it was the other party's interest.

Jason looked back, suddenly feeling someone was looking at him, so he looked at him and saw that it was Harry looking at him.

"What are you looking at?" Jason said quietly.

Harry lowered his head quickly and continued to write the envelope.

After a while, Lockhart went out to use the toilet, when Harry lifts the head, looked at Jason, and asked, "Professor, your magic is amazing."

"Thank you. Compliments." Jason said casually.

Harry was silent for a moment, then asked tentatively, "We all think it's better for you to replace that guy."

"You mean, I replace Professor Lockhart. Is it?" Jason thought it was a little funny, "And what did you say about me below?"

Harry said seriously: "We all like you to come to class, the little elf that everyone can't solve, You can solve it with one hand, it's amazing!"

"It's not really that great." Jason said, "And Professor Lockhart is more suitable for you. I think if I come to be a professor, I will It might be a mess because I don't know how to teach."

"How can you be so good." Harry said incredulously.

Jason clicked nodded and said, "It's true, just because a person is good in one area doesn't mean he is good in all areas."

Harry looked thoughtful, listening To seem to understand.

"You know what, we've actually been thinking about when you're going to be a professor," Harry said.

Jason thought for a while, then curled his lips and said with a smile: "Are those girls basically talking about it?"

Harry said seriously: "No, there are also A lot of boys also like you to be a professor."

Jason coughed, he was just joking, but Harry's words made Jason feel sorry for him, his face was a little red, so he quickly put on his pocket cap.

Harry saw Jason put on the hood, and strangely said: "Why do you like wearing a hood so much?"

"A personal hobby, it's not a major event." Jason answers freely.

At this time, Lockhart came back, he glanced at the two, said with a laugh: "Let's continue to swim in the ocean of my fans."

Harry stopped talking .

Three people are writing, and I don't know how long it has passed.

Suddenly, Harry yelled: "What?"

Jason and Lockhart looked over suspiciously.

Harry asked, "Did you hear anything?"

Jason and Lockhart shook their heads.

Lockhart said, "It's probably because you've been writing the envelope for too long. You're exhausted. Well, you can go back and rest."

Jason glanced at the magic clock and saw that Nearly four hours passed, so he said, "Okay, I'm going back to rest."

Jason got up, walked slowly to the door of the office, and went out.

But walking in the corridor, Jason couldn't help but remember Harry's expression, as if he really heard something.



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