Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 275

On the morning of October 30, Hogwarts students went downstairs for breakfast to find the auditorium renovated overnight.

Large silk banners hang on the walls, each representing a Hogwarts house: Gryffindor with a golden lion on a red background, Ravenclaw with a bronze eagle on a blue background, and a The one with a black badger is Hufflepuff, and the one with a silver python on a green background is Slytherin. Behind the teacher's desk hung the largest banner with the Hogwarts crest: lion, eagle, badger and snake linked together with a large letter H around it.

This was set up to welcome the arrival of the other three magic schools.

There was an anticipatory joy in the air throughout the day.

In the class, no one was paying attention to the class, everyone thought that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and magic would be coming tonight.

Even the potion class is not as unbearable as usual, because it ends half an hour early!

And when the bell rang early, all the students changed into cloaks and rushed down the stairs in three steps and two steps to the front of the hall.

The house heads are ordering their students to line up.

"Weasley, put the hat upright," Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron, "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your hair."

Parvati wasn't happy. frowned, and removed a large butterfly headdress from the end of the braid.

"Please come with me," Professor McGonagall said. "First Year students are ahead...don't crowd..."

They filed down the steps and stood in line in front of the castle.

It was a cold, crisp evening, night was falling, and a white, translucent moon had hung over Forbidden Forest.

Under the bright moonlight, everyone seemed to be covered with a long silver-white veil.

It's just that everyone waited for a long time, it was almost six o'clock, and the people from the other three schools still hadn't arrived.

The night wind was cold and cold, like a bone-scraping steel knife, slicing through you, leaving one after another wound.

Although they are very welcome to people from other magic schools, they still have complaints in their hearts after standing in the cold wind for so long.

But just then, Dumbledore, who was standing in the back row with the other teachers, shouted--

"Ah! If I'm not mistaken, the representative of the Beauxbatons has arrived. It's gone!"

"Where?" many students asked eagerly, looking in different directions.

"There!" shouted a Sixth Year student, pointing over Forbidden Forest.

A huge monster, much bigger than a broomstick—or a hundred broomsticks—is racing across the deep blue sky toward the castle of Accio, gradually increasing big.

"It's a dragon!" a First Year new student screamed, so excited that he didn't know what to do.

"Don't be silly...it's a house flying!" Dennis Creevey said.

Dennis' guess is closer.

They saw a huge pink blue carriage heading towards them Accio as the huge black monster passed over the treetops of Forbidden Forest, lit by the castle window lights. It was the size of a house, and it was carried into the air by twelve winged horses, all silver-maned horses, each about the size of an elephant.

carriage flew lower and was landing at an extremely fast speed, and the students standing in the first three rows hurried back!

With a loud noise, the horses hooves slammed onto the ground, all of them the size of a silver plate.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage also dropped to the ground, vibrating on its giant wheels, while the golden horses shook their huge heads, their big fiery red eyes twitching.

Above the carriage, a boy in a blue robe opened the door, and then a large woman came out.

She has a very handsome olive-colored face, a pair of dark and big bright and intelligent eyes, and a very pointed nose. The hair is pulled back and tied into a shiny bun at the base of the neck. She was draped from head to toe in a black forge dress, and her neck and her thick fingers gleamed with opals of opulence.

Dumbledore applauded and shouted, "Oh, Madam Maxime! Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Dumbledore," Madam Maxime said in a low voice, "I hope you are well."

"Very well, thank you," said Dumbledore.

"My student," Madam Maxime said, waving a large hand casually behind him.

At this time, a group of seven or eight-year-old young girls came out of the carriage.

They wear robes made of refined silk, standing shiver coldly in the cold wind, and can only be forced to use scarves or headscarves to barely keep out the cold.

Madam Maxime said in a low voice, "Have Karkaroff and Tsuchimikado arrived?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said with a smile: "They are not here now. Well, do you want to go in and warm up? I see your students are a little cold."

Madam Maxime thought for a moment, then said, "Then many thanks, Dumbledore. It's just my horses..."

Dumbledore hehe smiled and said, "I believe our hunting guard can do the job."

Madam Maxime said with a smile: "Really? I don't believe it."

Dumbledore said: "Don't worry, Madam Maxime, our gamekeeper is very strong."

"Then many thanks."

Madam Maxime To the students, he said solemnly, "Come on!"

So the Hogwarts crowd stepped aside to let her and her students go up the stone steps.

At this time, a strange sound suddenly sounded from the Black Lake.

The water surface of Black Lake suddenly became no longer calm. The water in the middle of the lake was turbulent, and huge splashes rose on the water surface, and the waves crashed against the wet lake shore.

In the very center of the lake, a large vortex appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake.

A dark rod-like thing rose slowly from the vortex.

Slowly, an extraordinary ship emerged from the bottom of the water. The big ship, shining in the moonlight, looked eerily like a skeleton, as if it were the remains of a wreck that had just been salvaged, and the portholes gleamed with a dim, misty tint. Light that looks like the eyes of a ghost.

Finally, with the rustling sound of splashing water, the big boat came out completely, tossed on the undulating water, and began to move towards the shore of the lake. Moments later, a thud was heard, an anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then there was another bang, and a plank rested on the shore of the lake.

The tall and majestic silhouettes on the boat stood up and walked down slowly.

As they got closer, walking down the lawn into the light cast by the foyer, it was discovered that they were bulky because they were wearing a fur cloak.

"Dumbledore!" Karkaroff called enthusiastically. "How are you, my dear Old Partner?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore replied .

Jason stood in the back crowd and followed the line.

It feels so weird to see these familiar people in another identity, wearing another skin.

Jason glanced at the crowd. In the crowd, a terrifying figure was turning a blue magic eye, as if looking at himself.

Jason eyelids twitched, but a closer look reveals that this man is looking at Karkaroff.

Associating the past of the two parties, Jason smiled in his heart and didn't read any further.

Karkaroff chatted with Dumbledore for a while, and then with Madam Maxime, and the three of them unconsciously shifted the conversation to the Japanese magic that hasn't appeared yet.

"Why hasn't Mr. Tsuchimikado come yet." Karkaroff said with a smile, "Is it too far?"

Dumbledore said with a smile: "It's coming soon. ."

At this moment, a high-pitched roar suddenly sounded from the sky, the voice was powerful and shocking.

Immediately, the moon that had been hanging in the sky suddenly disappeared, and from night to day, a golden sun rose from the east.

Everyone stood on the ground and looked up, only to see that in front of the golden sun, a little black shadow changed from small to large, and then turned into a refined and magnificent palace.

This palace is 9th layer high, with white stone as the wall, blue tile as the roof, and a string of silver bells hanging on the cornices, flying in, and sounding in the wind, which sounds crisp and pleasant.

This palace floated slowly, and everyone heard the sound of string music coming from the inside, just like the sound of heaven.

Jason stood below, looking at the palace Accio, thinking in his heart: "It looks a bit similar to the style of the Chinese magic circle."

After a while, the palace docked at Over the grass next to the Black Lake, it slowly landed, and when it landed on the ground, there was no huge noise.

Everyone saw a powdery and sweet fragrance blowing out of the palace, and the surrounding grass suddenly gave birth to gorgeous cherry blossoms, which were beautiful and beautiful.

An old man with a high crown in golden clothes walked over with seven men and women wearing golden robes of different shades of color.

"Professor Dumbledore, are you still healthy?" the old man in golden clothes shouted loudly.

Dumbledore smiled politely and said, "many thanks for your concern, Mr. Tuyumen."

Mr. Tuyumen came closer and saw the old man with a high crown. There is not a single hair under it, just a pair of snow eyebrows hanging down on the shoulders, no beard under the chin, and plump cheeks.

All the people from the four magic schools are here!



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