Undercover In Harry Potter Chapter 127

Jason turns his head and sees that behind him, Iselle and his younger sister Jessica are standing there.

Jessica was wearing a slightly fat robe and a grey cap, with a few strands of silver hair hanging down, which made her look even more messy.

Beside him, Iser wore an ink-black robe, the corners of which were pressed down with refined silver threads, intertwined to outline a snake pattern.

It was Jessica who spoke just now.

Jason greeted these two people after seeing these two people: "Long time no see, Jessica. Oh, and Director Slughorn."

Izel raised his brows, Seeing Lily Si next to Jason, Faint smile said: "Yo, I wonder if I can get to know this beautiful lady."

Jason remembered Iser's previous behavior and took a step forward, He stood in front of Lily Si inadvertently and said with a slight smile: "This is Lily Si, Lily Si Eva."

Izel hummed, while Jay next to him Sika was a little curious. She looked at Lily's beautiful clothes with envy in her eyes.

Jason noticed Jessica, looked at each other's clothes, and asked in confusion, "Why do you dress Jessica like this, shouldn't a girl of her age dress up seriously? ”

Izel squinted at Jessica beside him, saw the yearning for the beautiful clothes on Lily silk, snorted, stretched out his hand and gave Jessica directly, and said angrily: "I told you, don't think about it."

Jessica glared at Izel, but didn't say anything.

Jason had some doubts, but it seemed that the other party didn't want to say anything, so he simply didn't ask.

"Lily, let's go." Jason said warmly.

Lily hummed and greeted Izel and Jessica nodded, then followed Jason away.

But halfway through, Jason suddenly remembered something, turned his head to Iser and said, "I will try my best to do what you entrusted to me before."

After that, Jason and Lily walked away.

Izel stood there, thinking for a moment.

What Jason said just now is the last time Iselle himself turned into a letter from owl to Jason.

Isère was not at ease with the owl for these things that needed to be kept strictly confidential, so he became the owl himself to deliver the letter.

And after the "secret establishment of diplomatic relations" event on the letter, Iser also added mission requirements.

This time secretly established diplomatic relations, Fudge was under the guise of business activities, and some of them really went to Huaxia wizards for business activities.

At this point, Izel can use the relationship to arrange Jason in and let him listen carefully to the news, after all, he is very curious about Fudge's sneaky behavior.

"Brother, brother!" Jessica yelled.

Izel frowned, looked at Jessica displeasedly, and said impatiently: "What the hell, this time, in order to come out to play with you, I turned off my date!"

Jessica stretched out her hand and pinched Izel's arm, and said angrily, "Then you can go to your date. If you don't want to, don't come to accompany me!"

"Okay then, I'll go on a date." Izel said with a smile, curling his lips, "Go and play by yourself, haha."

After finishing speaking, Iszel turned around and strode leave.

Jessica stood there for a while, then clenched her fists and chased after her angrily.


On the other side, Jason took Lily silk to Flourish & Blotts.

The two of them soaked in it for an afternoon, just sat there reading a book, and didn't chat, they didn't look like they were going on a date at all.

When it was time to part, Lily said goodbye to Jason happily and agreed to read and study together next time.

Jason watched the other party go, and didn't know what his so-called blind date was. It looked like he had made a beautiful reading friend.

Thinking of this, Jason burst out laughing and went straight home.

When Jason got home, Mrs. Bolton left Jason behind, and after a lot of cross-examination, she finally said angrily: "I asked you to go on a blind date, why are you rushing to study!"

Jason dared not answer.

Actually, to be honest, as far as Jason is concerned, he still has some feelings for Lily, but he always feels that it is not suitable. He feels that he is only interested in beauty. appreciation of things.

Maybe Jason has been in contact with Lily silk for a long time and can family breeds fondness, but Jason feels that he is really the kind of person who is difficult to fall in love at first sight.

Jason returned to his room after listening to Mrs. Bolton's rage for a while.

In the room, a white cat of the type Tom Riddle was eating a chicken leg, and in front of him was a plate of sliced roast chicken.

He heard the sound of Jason entering the door, swallowed the chicken thigh in his mouth, looked up towards Jason, and said, "Are you back?"

Jason looked at Tom · Riddle ate the drumstick and reached out to touch his stomach.

Today, he didn't eat any serious food all day, he just ate some ice cream, so he looked really hungry.

"I'm back." Jason walked over, glanced at the drumstick in Tom Riddle's hand, and asked, "Who gave it to you?"

"Your mother gave it to you? Yes." Tom Riddle took another bite, "I heard you had a date today, how do you feel?"

Jason waved his hand and laughed at himself: "Don't mention me, I don't think I'm suitable. Blind date." He glanced at the drumstick again, then reached out and grabbed Tom Riddle's drumstick, and took a big bite.

Tom Riddle, who was eating, suddenly felt empty, startled, turned his head stiffly, looked towards Jason, and said, "Why did you grab my food!"


Jason said as he ate, "Yue doesn't like to eat too much food. I want to take care of it, so as not to affect its mood because of you. So, let me eat this chicken leg for you."

After finishing speaking, Jason took another big mouthful and ate it straight away, and then he turned his attention to the plate of roast chicken that was still unfinished.

I can't help but say, Jason brought the plate directly over and started to eat it directly.

Tom Riddle frowned when he saw this scene, and after a meow, loudly said: "My roast chicken!"

Jason stuffed a piece of chicken breast into the In his mouth, there was a smile on his face, and the two dimples looked so amiable, and he said vaguely: "I said, you have to think about the moon."

Tom Riddle snorted , then arched his body, made a sound of ao wu, and rushed directly over.

Jason was quick to catch Tom Riddle.

He carried the cat in one hand and the chicken from the plate in the other, and the room was filled with a cheerful air.



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