Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 97 If we don’t close the net, the undercover agent will become the boss!

"Hahaha! Farewell!"

Hari Chagai turned around and left, as if he had made some kind of determination...

Make a wish: Huh? ? ?

Are you really the unparalleled general Pan Feng?

Are you sure you are really Hari Chagai, one of the twelve superior powers of Biyou Village?

That upright heir of golden blood?

Hari Chagai's reaction was not only shocking to Xu Wish, but also surprised other villagers in Biyou Village!

No, didn't you just say to do it?

The result is now marked, you want to run?

Are you still a human being?

The villagers of Biyou Village who followed Hari Chagai on the mission all had extremely distorted expressions on their faces.

In fact, for Hari Chagai himself, if the facts are put aside, he really does not want to run away.

But there is no way!

Although he has not logged into the forum to surf the Internet for a long time because he needs to cooperate with the leader to optimize the self-cultivation furnace, but now he has heard other people in Biyou Village mention the person Xu Wish and the things Xu Yuan did...

He doesn't care about winning the Luotian Dajiao. In Hari Chagai's view, it's because he didn't go. If he also signed up to participate in the Luotian Dajiao, he might win in the end!

However, Hari Chagai had to make a careful choice about making a wish to massacre many full-sex members on Longhu Mountain.

Look at the people who made a wish to kill on Longhu Mountain?

Three of Quanxing's four crazy people died on Longhu Mountain, Quanxing's weapon refiner Yuan Tao and Han Dan also died at the hands of Xu Yuan, plus some other Quanxing members who were not very famous...

No matter how arrogant he is, he is not stupid enough to think that he is stronger than these people combined!

If he doesn't run away, then he will really be brain-struck by the self-cultivation furnace!

However, Hari Chagai didn't sell it directly to the villagers' "teammates". He just wanted to run back and find other people to help!

He is not the only one in the village, and even if all the other superior tools are deployed, they will not be able to defeat Wish.

Isn’t there still a leader?

No one knows the power of the leader better than the members of the New Jie Cult.

In their eyes, the village chief is almost the same as a real god descending to earth!

After Hari Chagai turned around and ran away, he burst out at full speed and fled towards Biyou Village.

Hari Chagai had a good idea, but in front of making a wish, how could he come and leave as soon as he said he wanted?

Looking at the back of Hari Chagai running away with all his strength, Xu Yuan was not in a hurry.

Instead, he slowly activated the godhead mask and transformed into the god [Jieao Flame Spear - Nezha]!

Hot Wheels, Fire Spear, Hun Tian Ling, Qian Kun Circle...

The red Nezha who previously fought against Wang Zhenqiu's blue Nezha reappears in the world!

"Hey, I asked you to run for thirty seconds first, and now there are still ten seconds left!"

Wishing stepped on the hot wheel and shouted at Hari Chagai's fleeing back.

Although Hari Chagai doesn't know what Xuanyuan is doing, he can't care about that now. The most important task is to rush back to Biyou Village to gather people to deal with these temporary workers!

If you are in the game at this time, I am afraid that the "Request Collection!" button has been clicked by Haricha...

"Ten, nine..." The wish was hung high in the air, counting down loudly.

Hari Chagai listened to the countdown to the wish, and while the sense of urgency in his heart became stronger and stronger, he also secretly cursed the wish-maker in his heart.

There are actually people who will count down tens of seconds to the enemy...

But just when Hari Chagai heard the wish and shouted five, the next step was not the four he expected.

"...Six, five, one!"

"I'm coming!"

Xu Yuan shouted loudly, directly locked Harizha Gai with [Qiankun Tiansheng], and flew towards him.

Hari Chagai:? ? ?

Did you eat two, three or four? Does your math teacher teach physical education?

But now Hari Chagai has no intention to discuss with Xu Yuan whether the math teacher has a part-time job.

Because Xu Wish had already stepped on two fireballs, he rushed in front of Hari Chagai at an extremely fast speed!

Although Hari Chagai had no intention of fighting, he knew better than to turn his back to the enemy.

He gathered Qi in his hands, and then blasted towards Xuanyuan!

Hari Chagai himself has no school or sect, and he has only practiced the most basic Qi refining method.

But because he has the golden bloodline of a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, he has excellent qualifications!

If we use game terminology, it means that Hari Chagai's own attributes are beyond the standard!

Whether it's strength, speed, or combat reflexes, they are far beyond ordinary people!

This excellent talent makes Hari Chagai even more disdainful of other cultivation methods, and he even feels in his heart that other cultivation methods are just weird and obscene techniques!

However, he was arrogant and after meeting Chief Ma, he was impressed by Chief Ma's ability to refine weapons.

Of course, until now, Hari Chagai only feels that only Village Chief Ma's weapon-refining ability is not a strange skill, and other techniques are still in this category.

But today, he fell into the hands of the wishing, and I am afraid that the skill of the Godhead Mask will also fall out of the ranks of strange and clever techniques...

Hari Chagai punched out with both fists, his original intention was to repel the wish that was flying towards him.

No matter how powerful he is in making a wish, or what kind of skills he practices, he cannot violate the physical rules of the earth!

One is on earth and the other is in heaven.

Normally, the one who was repelled must be the one who made a wish!

Hari Chagai himself can also continue to escape forward through the impact of making a wish.

But Nai He invited the third prince Nezha from the myth and legend to take over, so how could Xu Wish tell him the rules of physics?

Hari Chagai was directly knocked backwards by the wish on the Hot Wheels!

At the same time, an illusory flame lotus blossomed all over the wishing body again, burning Hari Chagai continuously!

At this time, Hari Chagai had no time to be shocked. He got up from the ground, not caring about the flaming lotus burning his back, turned around and ran away into the distance!

Because just at the moment of the fight, he realized the power of making a wish!

That is a completely irresistible force!

He has no chance of winning!

It has to be said that in times of life and death crisis, people can often unleash their potential far beyond their usual potential.

Hari Chagai's escape speed even exceeded his usual full-out speed!

Wishing was behind Hari Chagai and kept attacking his back.

But Hari Chagai still didn't care. He just took out part of the Qi in his body and concentrated it on his back, trying his best to resist the wishing attack.

The reason why Hari Chagai can still escape now is not because his wish is weak.

If Hari Chagai stops and fights Xu Yuan head-on, according to Xu Yuan's current strength, he can be killed within five rounds.

However, Hari Chagai's own attributes exceeded the standard due to his golden bloodline, and Hari Chagai was bent on escaping at this time.

Even if you make a wish, you can't instantly kill the opponent while moving...

The two of them ran into the distance while chasing and escaping.

During this period, Hari Chagai's screams continued.




Every time Xu Wish pierced Hari Chagai's back with the fire-tipped spear in his hand, he could easily break it under the protection of Qi. Even the high temperature attached to the spear tip would easily cook the wound area to prevent death from blood loss... …

Now Hari Chagai has only one thought in his mind.

That's because this guy's ability to make a wish is too vicious!

The whip is dipped in iodine and disinfected at the same time.

On the other side, the battle among other temporary workers was also fierce.

Although the energy of the temporary workers has not been consumed by the rat tide before, the combat effectiveness of the temporary workers is very strong.

However, there are a large number of villagers in Biyou Village, and they all carry at least one magical weapon.

I have to say that Village Chief Ma’s weapon training ability is really something!

Even the low-level magic weapons given to these villagers are enough to withstand several attacks from these temporary workers!

The villagers really couldn't defeat the remaining temporary workers, but they could withstand the attacks of the temporary workers through magic weapons and create attack opportunities for others.

Under siege, the temporary workers were unable to deal with them in a short time.

As for whether they would worry about going after Hari Chagai alone to make a wish?

Stop it!

Even Wang Zhenqiu, who had known Xu Yuan for the shortest time among them all, was not worried at all.

Instead of worrying about the danger of making a wish, it would be better to think about how to capture one or two men in black alive.

As long as we can capture them alive, we can probably figure out who the person behind them is!

Everyone has noticed that there are other forces involved behind the scenes, and now is the best opportunity!

However, because Hari Chagai, who is the leader of this operation, has escaped and is being hunted by Wish.

Therefore, the fighting spirit in the hearts of these villagers is slowly receding, and they are all waiting for an opportunity to escape.

However, do you want to escape unscathed from the freaks like temporary workers?

How can it be?

Just after Wang Zhenqiu captured a female villager with a move of "love horse kills chicken", another villager in Biyou Village saw that there was nothing he could do, so he gritted his teeth and issued new orders to other villagers.


They don't want to sell teammates if they can help it.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is too large, and even Hari Chagai, one of the 12 superior powers, is now being chased like a dog by the wish.

Instead of folding them all here, it would be better for a strong man to cut off his wrists!

I don’t know what method that very beautiful woman used to completely bypass the protection of the magic weapon!

If I don’t leave, I’m afraid they’ll all end up here!

As the new order was issued, a group of villagers in Biyou Village immediately carried the attack of a group of temporary workers and fled away...

On the other side, Xuyuan, who was chasing Hari Chagai, gave up the pursuit of Hari Chagai.

On the one hand, it's because Hari Chagai, a stupid big guy with a golden bloodline and an over-standard monster, is really surprisingly hard.

Just like the stones in the latrine, smelly and hard...

But even if you let the opponent go, where can the opponent go?

It's nothing more than escaping back to Biyou Village.

Another reason was that while he was chasing Hari Chagai, Wang also called him.

As soon as Xu Yuan answered the phone, Wang Ye cursed him for the first time.

"Make a wish! You are crossing the road slower than an old lady! When can we find Biyou Village? If we don't close the network, I will become the boss of Biyou Village!"


Make a wish and feel a little confused.

Wang Ye...is he so eager to speak? But didn’t he just arrive at Biyou Village today?

"I am now the deputy leader of the New Jie Sect!..."

As Wang Ye explained, Xu Yuan finally understood what was going on.

The reason behind this actually has something to do with making a wish.

Xu Yuan asked Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing to help him go undercover in Biyou Village, and also asked them to help him get a bag from the village chief.

After the two arrived at Biyou Village, Wang Ye was as busy as ever.

Not only did he agree to help Ma Xianhong research the self-cultivation furnace according to the undercover plan agreed with him before making the wish, he also took the initiative to ask Ma Xianhong for three bite bags.

Of course I have to share this kind of good stuff with my good brothers!

Except for the one who made a wish, he and Zhuge Qing each had one.

Ma Xianhong was also unexpectedly generous.

In other words, he really regards Wang Ye, the successor of the Eight Wonders, as a brother!

Not only did he happily give him three bite bags, but he was also appointed as the deputy leader of the New Jie Sect!

Although Zhuge Qing's treatment was good, it was not as good as Wang Ye's.

He was just appointed as the last of the twelve superior powers...

After Wang Ye learned about the specific functions of the Slimming Furnace, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

This thing is not perfect yet and has strict restrictions.

If it is really perfected to the point where it can create aliens at will, the Self-cultivation Furnace will be the rampage of the entire era!

Aliens can be artificially created... This thing can completely transform all 1.4 billion ordinary people into aliens!

Not to mention that he had already known about the company's plan to attack Biyou Village through making a wish.

Even if the company didn't originally plan to attack Biyou Village, once the Slimming Furnace comes out, Biyou Village will definitely not be able to escape!

Maybe even the earthworms in the village will have to be dug out, split in half vertically, and killed!

Then it’s hard to tell whether he, the deputy leader, and Zhuge Qing, one of the twelve superior powers, are undercover!

The rule king of the population red line has also heard of it, but he is not worried.

After all, the rules are not that rigid.

One, two, or more than a dozen strangers are not intolerable to the company.

The key point is still the slimming furnace!

The meaning of this thing is equivalent to selling guns without a bottom line in the alien circle!

You must know that domestic laws regarding gun management impose strict sentences, and those who sell guns and ammunition will be punished by death.

The crime of selling guns and ammunition in the alien community is more serious...

It might even start a world war!

He really wanted to follow Xu Yuan and gain experience in the world, but he didn't want to experience it until he died!

After listening to Wang Ye's complaints, Xu Yuan also realized the problem.

Because of his involvement, Wang also participated in the perfection project of the Slimming Furnace - at least on the surface.

He even obtained the position of deputy leader.

Now it is best to advance the process of destroying Biyou Village and New Jiejiao as soon as possible to prevent the situation from becoming more serious.

He did trick Wang Ye a few times, but those were harmless.

Regarding the issue of Xinjiejiao, the company's attitude is very serious. Once the function of the self-cultivation furnace is really perfected, no one related to the self-cultivation furnace can escape!

I wish I didn’t want to be tricked by Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing!

At least prevent Village Chief Ma from continuing to improve the research project of the Slimming Furnace!

Xu Yuan did not continue to chase Hari Chagai, who was escaping for his life, but turned around and rushed back to the temporary workers.

When Xu Wan rushed back, the battle among the temporary workers had just ended.

An unconscious female villager from Biyou Village was thrown on the ground.

It can be seen from the injuries on her face and body that she may have been severely tortured just now.

However, this female villager was also tough. Even after being tortured, she did not reveal any information about Biyou Village.

When Xu Wan rushed back, she happened to see Sister Baoer squatting next to her, holding the six-pan water rat tribe's only survivor in her hand, and kept walking on the female villager's body.

The female villager was so frightened that she closed her eyes and screamed, but she refused to do anything.

"Okay, Sister Bao'er, stop torturing her, she won't tell." Xu Yuan interrupted Feng Bao's torture and turned to look at Xiao Zizai.

"Brother Xiao, you'd better give her a good time. It's time to start dinner. I know the specific information."

A flash of red light flashed under Xiao Zizai's glasses, and then he walked towards the female villager on the ground with a smile.

The female villager had just escaped from the fear of the mouse when she saw the smile on Brother Xiao's face and the pace of the other person's gradual approach.

An inexplicable fear quickly expanded in her heart.

"Hey, hey, why don't you ask again..."

The female villager struggled and crawled backwards on the ground.

But the only person who responded to him was Xiao Zizai's straightforward approach.


With a crisp sound, the female villager's neck was twisted 180 degrees. At the last moment of her life, she finally saw her back.

It turns out that my chest and back are really as flat...

Amid such regret, the world of this female villager slowly slipped into eternal darkness.

There is no waste in making a wish.

Activate the godhead mask again and transform into the god Zhong Kui, absorbing the opponent's dead soul and disposing of it without causing any pollution.

As the leader of Biyou Village, Village Chief Ma is an honest person, but that doesn’t mean that other villagers are also honest people!

In other words, most of the villagers who participated in the attack on the company this time are evil people in the traditional sense...

None of the temporary workers were novices who had never had blood on their hands. Even Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao had their hands on lives.

Naturally, you don’t think there is anything wrong with the behavior of the two at this time?

These masked men didn't hold back when they attacked just now. They were rushing for their lives from the beginning!

After everything was done, Xu Yuan talked to others about the relationship between Biyou Village and Chen Duo.

Of course, Wishing did not mention his undercover plan and body-building furnace.

Otherwise, he would never be able to explain to others where his information came from and why he knew so much when he was in Kyoto.

Wishing does not want to create a estrangement among the temporary workers team, whose relationship has just eased slightly.

While making a wish to explain to everyone the connection between Chen Duo and Biyou Village.

Another person in the woods was also listening silently.

It is Lao Meng, a temporary worker from the northwest who just arrived here!

Lao Meng naturally also saw the skillful techniques used by Xu Yuan and Xiao Zizi just now.

The first time he came into contact with the two of them, he was immediately shocked.

Are these two really temporary workers in the company?

No, maybe you can change the evaluation.

The good is evil!

Of course, Lao Meng is not familiar with Xiao Zizai now, otherwise he would not think so when he knew that Brother Xiao was almost out of the Buddha's Light...

And when Lao Meng heard Xu Yuan mentioning Chen Duo in his mouth, he couldn't sit still anymore because he was suffering from severe social fear.

He felt that he had to go out and tell everyone clearly.

Otherwise, Chen Duo might not be treated well if he falls into the hands of these evil temporary workers.

The short Lao Meng gritted his teeth and trotted over from the woods, waving and shouting.

"Wait, wait, let me interrupt..."

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