Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 95 The mental state of Wolong and Fengxiao

"Maybe mine is a male Nezha, and yours is a female Nezha..."

After hearing the answer given by Xu Yuan, Wang Zhenqiu felt that his cerebellum was about to shrink at this moment.

Wang Zhenqiu:......

Mother Nezha?

Okay, okay, you've acted out "Journey to the West" with me, right?

Are you thinking that the purple bell of Tai Sui Jin Mao is not working when the female meets the male?

Also, if there really is a mother Nezha, with my face, shouldn’t my power as a god be greater?

However, although Wang Zhenqiu was a little disappointed with Xu Wish's answer, it was also expected.

After all, Xia Liuqing can also display the third stage of the Divine Mask, but isn't Xia Liuqing also unable to explain it to him in words?

After a "friendly" exchange, Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu called the company's South China branch and asked them to send people to finish the work on this devastated wasteland.

This is also one of the reasons why playing Wang Zhenqiu requires arranging numbers within the company - after playing Wang Zhenqiu, company resources are occupied for finishing.

It is worth mentioning that although the head of the South China Region, Liao Zhong, was killed by Chen Duo, it does not mean that the management of the South China Region will collapse.

Except for the temporary suspension of certain tasks that only temporary workers can perform, other businesses in the South China Region have not been affected on weekdays.

In the group chat of temporary workers on the other side, all the temporary workers were actually very curious about the outcome of the battle between the brothers Xu Wan and Wang Zhenqiu.

And when Xu Yuan sent a red envelope to the sophomore Zhuang in the group chat, the outcome was naturally self-evident...

[High school sophomore in the Northeast Region: (^o^) Thank you brother Xu Wan, and thank you sister Wang Zhenqiu! 】

Wang Zhenqiu:......

[Wang Zhenqiu of Southwest Region: The second grade of high school is strong! I am male! male! 】

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Σ(д|||) can’t tell at all! 】

Wang Zhenqiu's face was full of black lines, and he remembered what he said about Nezha and Nezha before making a wish.

[Wang Zhenqiu of Southwest Region: The second grade of high school is strong! ! ! ! 】

Just as the group chat was enjoying itself, Sister Baoer, who had disappeared for several hours, was finally fished out by Xu Si.

[North China Region Feng Baobao: Make a wish! I'm going to get on the plane and go to your side now. I'll go and play with you later! 】

As Sister Baoer suddenly appeared to speak, the conversation in the group chat of temporary workers changed.

[Xiao Zizai, East China Region: Everyone, I have also completed my mission here and should be arriving in Liupanshui soon. 】

[Lao Meng of the Northwest Region: I’m going to take the high-speed rail too. I’ll be there soon. 】

[Central China Region Black Supervisor: I may have to wait a little later. I will go find you when I get there. 】

[Lao Meng of Northwest Region: Me... too. 】

But at this time, high school sophomore Zhuang, who had been extremely active in the group chat, stopped talking.

Others didn't pay attention and just thought she was busy with something.

But I know when I wish.

It’s not that the sophomore in high school is busy. She surfs high-intensity 5G every day, but she can’t come...

Just when he was feeling complicated about making a wish, Wang Zhenqiu saw the clues from the expression on his face.

"Wish, do you like that guy named Gao Erzhuang?" Wang Zhenqiu suddenly opened his mouth to call back his desire to make a wish, and joked coquettishly. "I didn't expect that you actually like online dating?"

"Junior Brother Qiu'er, you are so thoughtful, I thought you were really a girl." Xu Wan glanced sideways at the mean Wang Zhenqiu, and counterattacked without showing any weakness, "But it has nothing to do with online dating, forget it. I can’t tell you now.”

Xu Yuan ignored Wang Zhenqiu, who was troubled by his excessive appearance. He shook his head and took his mind back.

In fact, he really likes Gao Erzhuang, a cute girl from Northeast China who is straightforward and sweet-tongued.

It's not the love between men and women, but the appreciation of each other's character, mixed with a hint of pity.

He is clearly in his prime of youth, but he can only lie in a life-support device and observe the world through radio waves.

Apart from the annoying fact that you can check the browser history at will, the rest is really annoying!

If there is a chance in the future, you can try to see if you can use your own abilities to help the sophomore Zhuang recover and become a normal person.

Wishmaker is not a god, and he cannot save everyone, but he is also willing to lend a helping hand to those around him if he can.

As for the life experience of Gao Erzhuang, let her tell everyone herself!

Gao Erzhuang is different from the temporary workers in other districts who often go out to perform tasks. Even for Fatty Zhao, it is a company secret. Gao Erzhuang has almost never shown his face in the alien circle...

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why he knows the company's high-level secrets so well.

Temporary workers from various regions are gathering towards Liupanshui.

After Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu also finished cleaning up the wasteland with the staff of the South China Branch, they returned to the South China Branch with the courier truck of Nadutong Company.

This time so many temporary workers came to the South China Branch to perform tasks, the meeting place was naturally set at the South China Branch.

Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu were not kept waiting for too long.

When it was just getting dark, Xiao Zizai from the East China Region got off the plane and rushed to the meeting point of the South China Branch without stopping.

"Brother Xiao!" Xu Yuan took the initiative to say hello to Xiao Zizai.

The two of them are the most familiar among the temporary workers.

Brother Xiao also smiled and said hello to Xu Yuan and chatted for a while.

Wang Zhenqiu on the side also wanted to interject, but Brother Xiao just responded with a few words lukewarmly.

However, Wang Zhenqiu wasn't angry at all, he was just confused.

After all, the uncle Xiao Zizai's speech in the group chat was very enthusiastic. He would send a welcome red envelope to almost every temporary worker after joining the group.

This is also the reason why I was beaten up by my wish...

But why does Xiao Zizai seem so inaccessible now?

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes showed excitement.

"Are you Wang Zhenqiu? Qiu'er, let me give you a piece of advice. Don't get too close to me. I'm not normal. Especially when I tell you to stay away from me, you'd better..."

But before Brother Xiao could finish speaking, Wang Zhenqiu took the initiative to put his hand on Brother Xiao's shoulder, just like he did when he hugged him at the airport gate.

"What a coincidence, Brother Xiao, I'm not normal either!"

Looking at Wang Zhenqiu winking next to him, Brother Xiao was speechless for the first time.

No wonder Xu Wishang wanted to beat him up as soon as he got off the plane.

"Wish, is it really okay for this guy to be so close to me?" Brother Xiao turned to look at Xu.

Wishing naturally knows what Xiao Zizai is referring to.

The first point is whether Wang Zhenqiu is a bad person. A bad person is a "big meal" next to Xiao Zizai. The second point refers to whether Wang Zhenqiu's own strength can protect himself when Xiao Zizai goes crazy...

"It should be... no problem." Xu Yuan hesitated for a moment, but finally gave a positive answer.

Now Wang Zhenqiu was even more interested in Brother Xiao.

"What's wrong with wishing? He's different from me?"

"Of course, he is different from anyone else." Brother Xiao said matter-of-factly.

Not long ago, after Luo Tian's great festival, he secretly went to see his master, Master Jie Kong, behind his senior brother Baowen's back.

Master told him that making a wish was the second limiter that Master found for himself...

Just as Wang Zhenqiu was trying to explore Xiao Zizai's secret, Feng Baobao also arrived!

But this time Feng Baobao did not come by herself, but brought her "assistant" Zhang Chulan.

"Make a wish! I'm here to play with you. You can't even guess that if I didn't come to participate in the mission this time, I would almost lose my job..."

Feng Baobao grabbed Zhang Chulan's sleeve and ran all the way into the meeting place of the South China branch.

Xu Yuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he looked at Zhang Chulan being dragged along like a kite.

Although this girl is stupid, she is so strong!

Now, including the temporary workers at the Kyoto headquarters making a wish, and excluding Chen Duo, a former temporary worker in the South China Region as a suspect, half of the temporary workers in the remaining seven regions have been gathered.

The remaining three people, Gao Erzhuang from the Northeast Region, the clarinet from the Central China Region, and Lao Meng from the Northwest Region, have not yet arrived.

"Everyone," Xiao Zizai couldn't stand being pestered by Wang Zhenqiu anymore, so he cleared his throat, "Since we have more than half of the manpower now, let's go investigate about Chen Duo first."

"According to the information given by the company, the last place Chen Duo appeared was a mutton vermicelli shop here. How about we go investigate now?"

None of the people present had any objections, and even Zhang Chulan, who had been silent, nodded in agreement.

Now that the action plan has been determined, the five people had no reason to hesitate and directly formed a group to leave the South China branch.

The mutton vermicelli shop that appeared in the information is not difficult to find.

It can even be said that he is well-known in Liupanshui. After just a little inquiry, they found their target.

This mutton vermicelli shop is not big, but there are many chairs waiting for seats in front of the door. It can be seen that this business is doing well.

Fortunately, the evening meal had already been spent at this time.

Although there are still customers in the store, they are gradually becoming rarer.

The owners of such small shops usually work part-time as chefs and are still busy in the kitchen at this time.

Therefore, the five of them were not in a hurry. At Feng Baobao's strong request, she served as the host and ordered a mutton vermicelli for each of them.

It’s rare to have a moment of leisure while making a wish.

It happened that two undercover agents, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, also sent news. They had just arrived in Biyou Village and had not yet truly integrated into Biyou Village. They also needed time. At least help him get one from the honest village chief. Eat the capsule.

Therefore, he did not directly reveal the true purpose of this mission, but rather muddleheadedly ate together with everyone.

Not to mention, this mutton vermicelli shop tastes really good.

Although aliens can be regarded as freaks among ordinary people, the company's temporary workers are also freaks among aliens.

Freaks among freaks!

But except for strength and character, there is not much difference from ordinary people.

Just when the five of them were enjoying their meal.

Feng Baobao, who had almost buried his head in his rice bowl, suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Wish.

At this time, there was still a small piece of fan fan on her face near her mouth, and she really didn't look very smart.

"What's wrong, Sister Bao'er?" Xu Yuan also felt Feng Bao'er's gaze.

Feng Baobao picked up a piece of mutton in the rice bowl with chopsticks.

"Make a wish, you are as witty as me. Let me ask you a question. Do you think sashimi is dead fish? I went to eat Japanese food with Zhang Chulan and the others the day before yesterday. I said sashimi is dead fish. They They all said I was a loser and asked me to apply for a job as the owner of a mentally retarded bar..."

Sister Baoer and Xu Yuan, the "same kind", kept thinking about each other.

Everyone present was shocked by Sister Baoer's sudden question.

Mainly I was shocked by Sister Baoer's clear thinking.

Make a wish:…

Is sashimi a dead fish fillet?

What is the problem?

yes? Or not?

At this moment, I really feel that there is nothing wrong with Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan's proposal...

But most of the time lies don't hurt, the truth is the sharp knife.

Xu Wish could only comfort Feng Baobao with white lies.

"Sister Bao'er, they mean well and are praising you. You see, a weak acid is also an acid, and a weak base is also a base, so a weak mind is also a wise person. They are praising you for being smart."

Others: Huh?

Except for Xu Yuan and Feng Baobao, the other three people, including Zhang Chulan, all looked confused.

What kind of logic is this?

It makes some sense, but not much, it seems.

The expression on Wang Zhenqiu's face was even more complicated.

He thought that with the presence of Feng Baobao, the Crouching Dragon, the difficulty of this mission would be more than doubled, but he really didn't expect that Xu Wan was also a phoenix chick...

It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of mental state Xia Liuqing was in when he discovered the wizard who made a wish and practiced the godhead mask...


Could it be that……

Practice the godhead mask. The third stage is to become insane?

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but think of Xia Liuqing's reputation as the most "affectionate" person in the world...

While Wang Zhenqiu was thinking and others were deep in thought, Feng Baobao didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Instead, she had a happy expression on her face, spoke Sichuan Mandarin, and gave a wishing thumbs up.

"Let me tell you, you are as smart as me!"

At this time, everyone's mobile phones vibrated, drawing their attention back.

The message came from a group chat for temporary workers.

【High school sophomore in the Northeast Region: O(≧▽≦)OHahahahahaha! Wishing Brother’s joke is so funny! 】

! ! ! !

Everyone was shocked after seeing the news!

I can't even care about Wolong and Fengxia!

Are those from the Northeast Region also here? But what about people?

Zhang Chulan looked around and saw that he didn't find any suspicious figures, so he picked up Sister Bao'er's cell phone and sent a message.

[North China Region Feng Baobao: High school sophomore Zhuang, are you here too? Where are you? 】

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Zhang Chulan, right? I'm always behind you, can't you see me? ()]

The sweat on Zhang Chulan's forehead slipped down instantly!

I sweat more than when I just ate mutton vermicelli soup.

He stiffened his body and turned his head little by little to look behind him.

But he found that all the tables behind him and even in the direction behind him were empty!

Zhang Chulan:! ! !

Although he experienced a "walking corpse" incident when his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi's tomb was stolen.

But no matter how many times you experience this kind of thing, there is no way for a normal person to get used to it!

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Hahaha, you must have turned around just now, that’s for sure! I lied to you! (ω)】

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

After teasing Zhang Chulan, Gao Erzhuang did not let others guess for too long, but directly explained.

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: I have indeed reached your side, but I am not looking at you...]

Just when everyone present was confused.

As if Gao Erzhuang had found some outlet or made up her mind, she talked about herself in the group chat like she was pouring beans.

She didn't mind the risk that her identity might be exposed. From the identity of the daughter of the person in charge of the Northeast Region, to the exercises she practiced, her past, and her teachers... she told them all!

He even told her why her father Gao Lian gave her this name!

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Everyone, I am not qualified to sit with you at all. This is me...]

[High School sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: My body is hidden somewhere now. Even I don’t know where it is. I didn’t hide it from everyone on purpose. I actually really want to see what everyone looks like...]

Even in the end, I was afraid that others wouldn't believe it, so I directly sent a photo of myself lying in the life-sustaining cabin, connected to various life-sustaining instruments.

In the photo, only the upper body to the chest is left of the second-year high school student.

At this moment, not only the few people in the mutton fan shop, but also all the people in the temporary workers group chat were silent.

Except for the fact that they knew that the sophomore Zhuang in high school had officially "seen" them through his abilities.

They all felt the full sincerity and heart-wrenching loneliness in the few lines of messages from the sophomore high school student.

Especially as they are part of the temporary workforce, this sincerity almost suffocates them!

Except for the wish-making affiliated to the Kyoto headquarters, they are temporary workers used to take the blame!

All the temporary workers in the group chat looked at the photo sent by Zhuang, a sophomore in high school, with heavy hearts.

Before high school sophomore Zhuang exposed himself, they would never have imagined that a cute girl who likes to use emojis in group chats would have such a life experience...

If the second strength is normal...

She should be a cheerful and beautiful girl now, right?

At this time, Xuanyuan, who had long been an "insider", came into play.

Although he was also moved by the sincerity of the sophomore high school student, he was not as shocked as others because he was mentally prepared.

[Kyoto headquarters makes a wish: No one will always be an island, Erzhuang. 】

[Make a wish at Kyoto Headquarters: Everyone, since the two strong men want to see us, let’s take a photo of her each. 】

In order to prevent Lao Meng and Black Guan who had not yet arrived from missing, I made a wish @and gave them a @sign.

The proposal of making a wish was undoubtedly approved by other temporary workers, who took photos on the spot and each uploaded a selfie.

Just such an insignificant act made the second-year high school student so moved that he wanted to cry.

But it's a pity that she has no body to cry...

I can only use emojis to express my feelings.

【High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: I hate you~(ω)】

If we say that before this, only Xiao Zizai, Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu had a reasonable one-on-one relationship with Wishes.

And with the revelation of the high school sophomore Zhuang, the superficial estrangement between the temporary workers finally showed signs of breaking...

At this time, the owner of the mutton vermicelli shop also came over at the right time and interrupted the group chat of several people.

"Here are some customers. The shop will be closing soon. Do you need more food?"

Dear adoptive fathers, please vote for me. I will start working as the honest village chief soon~

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